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Prehistoric Rock Paintings

Prehistoric Rock Paintings

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Image information

  1. Prehistoric cochineal markings on rock face

    Prehistoric cochineal markings on rock face

  2. Rock Paintings at Elands Bay Cave, South Africa

    Rock Paintings at Elands Bay Cave, South Africa

  3. Statues and Paintings of Dambulla Rock Temple

    Statues and Paintings of Dambulla Rock Temple

  4. Kondoa Irangi Rock Paintings

    Kondoa Irangi Rock Paintings

  5. Rock paintings in the Wadi Rum desert. Aqaba, Jordan

    Rock paintings in the Wadi Rum desert. Aqaba, Jordan

  6. Prehistorical rock paintings in Pha Taem National Park (Isaan, Khong Chiam, Thailand 2024)

    Prehistorical rock paintings in Pha Taem National Park (Isaan, Khong Chiam, Thailand 2024)

  7. Virgin Rocks (ca. 1601–1700) painting

    Virgin Rocks (ca. 1601–1700) painting

  8. Prehistoric rock paintings near Hirebenakal megalithic dolmens, Koppal district, India 3

    Prehistoric rock paintings near Hirebenakal megalithic dolmens, Koppal district, India 3

  9. Looking at rock paintings, Laasa Geel

    Looking at rock paintings, Laasa Geel

  10. Rock Paintings

    Rock Paintings

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