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Gun lamp
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This image was marked with a CC BY-SA 2.0 license:
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    Credit the creator.

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Credit the creator

"Gun lamp" by ainudil is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Image information

  1. gun lamp

    gun lamp

  2. lamps defeated!

    lamps defeated!

  3. Last days of The Gun

    Last days of The Gun

  4. Lamps straight from Battlestar Galactica

    Lamps straight from Battlestar Galactica

  5. 9/11 lamp - missed

    9/11 lamp - missed

  6. (00135/10000) Self Portrait in Desk Lamp

    (00135/10000) Self Portrait in Desk Lamp

  7. cross lamp

    cross lamp

  8. Lamp post contrast

    Lamp post contrast

  9. Meeting in Bridgeport on gun violence proposals

    Meeting in Bridgeport on gun violence proposals

  10. My home office got an upgrade thanks to a friend needing the lamp out of her way. Color changing LED mood lighting! Yay!! (It's teal right now. Because duh.)

    My home office got an upgrade thanks to a friend needing the lamp out of her way. Color changing LED mood lighting! Yay!! (It's teal right now. Because duh.)

Part of the project