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Amboise Chateau - King Henri II's Chamber-5

Amboise Chateau - King Henri II's Chamber-5

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Image information

    1. Amboise Chateau - King Henri II's Chamber

      Amboise Chateau - King Henri II's Chamber

    2. Amboise Chateau - King Henri II's Chamber

      Amboise Chateau - King Henri II's Chamber

    3. Amboise Chateau - King Henri II's Chamber-3

      Amboise Chateau - King Henri II's Chamber-3

    4. File:Amboise Chateau - King Henri II's Chamber-2

      File:Amboise Chateau - King Henri II's Chamber-2

    5. Sign of King Henry II on fireplace in Chateau Chenonceaux (France 2011)

      Sign of King Henry II on fireplace in Chateau Chenonceaux (France 2011)

    6. Airavatesvara Temple at Darasuram, dedicated to Shiva, built by the Chola king Rajaraja II in the 12th century (5)

      Airavatesvara Temple at Darasuram, dedicated to Shiva, built by the Chola king Rajaraja II in the 12th century (5)

    7. Kings Chambers - 5 Park Square East

      Kings Chambers - 5 Park Square East

    8. <div class='fn'> <i>Henri II, King of France </i></div>

      <div class='fn'> <i>Henri II, King of France </i></div>

    9. File:The monument of King Henry II and Richard I with sculptures Wellcome V0042414

      File:The monument of King Henry II and Richard I with sculptures Wellcome V0042414

    10. King Henry VI, Part II

      King Henry VI, Part II

    Part of the project