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Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 - Photo 01 - Louis Kahn Portrait

Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 - Photo 01 - Louis Kahn Portrait

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Image information

  1. Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 - Photo 02 - Louis Kahn Portrait

    Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 - Photo 02 - Louis Kahn Portrait

  2. Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 at Vitra Design Museum - Photo 01

    Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 at Vitra Design Museum - Photo 01

  3. Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 - Photo 03 - Louis Kahn Portrait

    Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 - Photo 03 - Louis Kahn Portrait

  4. Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 at Archizines Vitra Design Museum - Photo 01

    Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 at Archizines Vitra Design Museum - Photo 01

  5. Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 at Vitra Design Museum - Photo 04

    Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 at Vitra Design Museum - Photo 04

  6. Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 at Vitra Design Museum - Photo 13

    Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 at Vitra Design Museum - Photo 13

  7. Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 - Photo 10 - Korman House

    Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 - Photo 10 - Korman House

  8. Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 at Vitra Design Museum - Photo 05

    Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 at Vitra Design Museum - Photo 05

  9. Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 at Vitra Design Museum - Photo 17

    Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 at Vitra Design Museum - Photo 17

  10. Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 at Vitra Design Museum - Photo 12

    Louis Kahn - The Power of Architecture 回顧展 at Vitra Design Museum - Photo 12

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