So, what’s with the WPMU blog?

Welcome to the first post of the first blog on the domain dedicated solely to WordPress MU (WPMU).

Sure, this isn’t most likely going to see the light of day for some time, but it’s important to have it here, don’t you think?

Anyway, down to business…

The problem, as it stands is that:

  • There isn’t enough centralized support material and communication for WPMU

This is pretty much down to:

  • There’s a lot of duplication between WP and WPMU resources, with 98% of regular WP codex stuff applying to WPMU
  • There aren’t as many WPMU users / devs… it’s just not as popular because fewer people need it
  • And when they do need it, it’s usually for other people rather than themselves – to paraphrase Douglas Adams, I’ll spend days working out how to save myself a minute once a fortnight, but not much bother with stuff that’ll save other people weeks (OK, the last bit was me ;)
  • Let’s face it, we’re an offshoot, a kinda more complicated sibling

So, we’re not going to manage to get around this by mimicking what’s happened for WP – we’ve been doing that for a while, without any luck.

So, what I propose is this:

  • WPMU (via this site) exchanges linkworthy respect and credit for knowledgeable people penning articles about aspects of WPMU here, as Contributors and Authors
  • Those articles are, as they come in, organized a la an dmaintained by their respective authors (with assistance from a set of editors – hopefully promoted contributors / authors)
  • That is then integrated into the forums and the forums are integrated into this, creating two places where there’s a great deal of good WPMU knowledge

And that we ditch:

  • The WPMU codex – it’s not used, no-one cares, it just give off a bad smell about WPMU an dcan be replaced by a good idex of materials here
  • Trying to support WPMU outside of the forums and posts here – this gives us some good focus

How does that sound?

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