San Francisco Geek Dinner

It appears that the inimitable Ryan Boren is going to be in Northern California this week so it seemed like a perfect opportunity for a WordPress meetup and geek dinner. Although Ryan is the other main developer of WordPress and we’ve worked together for a long while now, we’ve never actually met in person so this promises to be a momentous occasion. We’re going to start with dinner at Chaat Cafe at 6 PM this Saturday (July 23) and see where it goes from there. Here are the details:

Chaat Cafe
320 Third Street, San Francisco 94105
Saturday July 23rd, 6 PM

This is the same place Scoble’s geek dinner was and one of the early WordPress meetups, so it’s a fun location. Come by, bring a friend, and all your WordPress feature requests and stories. The tag for the event will be .

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