Post / Edit and Permalinks

I’ve been working on two new features that I have personally wanted for a long time and is now available to WordPress users currently through the CVS and eventually through a release. First we’ve separated the post and edit screen. The post screen now has just the form for creating a new post. There is a new edit option on the menu that has a page for recent posts and a page for recent comments. This makes things much faster loading and more efficient.

The second change is with regard to permalinks and their structure. You can see these in action on my site and there is a bit of discussion going on. There is a new options screen that allows you to specific a new structure using a number of variables such as year, month, day, a sanitized title, etc., and then generates the proper mod_rewrite rules to put in your .htaccess file. If you’d like to try this out on your blog be sure to run the upgrade file in the wp-admin directory. These will be developed a lot further, I just wanted to give an update on what’s going on.

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