Version 4.0.35

On March 10, 2022, WordPress 4.0.35 was released to the public.

Installation/Update Information

To get this version, update automatically from the Dashboard > Updates menu in your site’s admin area or visit

For step-by-step instructions on installing and updating WordPress:

If you are new to WordPress, we recommend that you begin with the following:


Security & Maintenance updates

This security and maintenance release features one security fix. Because this is a security release, it is recommended that you update your sites immediately. All versions since WordPress 3.7 have also been updated.


The release was led by Jb Audras, with the help of Jorge Costa on package updates, Sergey Biryukov on mission control, and David Baumwald on backport commits.

In addition to the release squad members mentioned above, thank you to everyone who helped make this release happen:

Alan Jacob MathewAlex ConchaAndréAnton VlasenkoDavid BaumwaldehtisJb AudrasJorge CostaPeter WilsonSergey BiryukovTonya Mork, and ironprogrammer.

List of Files Revised


First published

Last updated