WordPress 1.0.1 was released January 25, 2004.
The official release can be found here.
- “Miles” released on January 25, 2004
- Dev blog announcement
WordPress 1.0.1 was purely a bug fix release and added no new features.
- Several improvements related to the handling of international characters.
- “Future” blog posts should show up in the admin interface
- b2 import
- blogger import
- Calendar day titles are only showing the last post, not all posts separated.
- Calendar links to posts in the future
- Change installed check to use a different table than options, probably categories
- Check all importers
- Comment Moderation setting values
- comment out sending the unmodified header in rss/rdf feeds
- comment_tags_allowed bug
- Dublin Core in RSS feeds
- edit-showposts.php?
- Fix links-update-xml.php
- get_links_list should put descriptions in title attribute
- greymatter import
- fixed import-b2.php errors
- Make sure the bookmarklet works in Safari
- Modify upgrade.php to work from b2
- Month not showing up?
- Multi-word search strings cause errors
- Next/Previous Page links didn’t work w/ nice URLs
- Permalink bug w/ hyphens?
- Permanent redirects in RSS/RDF files should include QUERY_STRING
- previous_posts_link() and next_posts_link() are encoding already encoded chars
- Question marks and equal signs being stripped from comment_author_url
- Remove duplicate indicies, prevent future duplication
- Smilies replacement in comments rss is breaking the feed
- Support for double digit years/months
- textpattern
- Unescaped ampersand in template-functions.php
- Weird bug w/ posts paged and search
- wp-atom feed isn’t valid
- added id and classes to menu items for easier styling