• I needed an xmlrpc functionality for add_blog which would use code similar to the admin add blog form for adding a new blog and users based on passed parameters. Since this interface did not exist in the xmlrpc.php file, i assumed that i could create a plugin to do so. Is this possible? Here is an exerpt of my test plugin:

    Plugin Name: XMLRPC_xmlrpc_ext
    Plugin URI: http://URI_Of_Page_Describing_Plugin_and_Updates
    Description: A plugin to extend the functionality of the xmlrpc.php file.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Tai Ngo
    Author URI: http://URI_Of_The_Plugin_Author

    add_filter(‘xmlrpc_methods’, ‘attach_new_xmlrpc’);
    function attach_new_xmlrpc($methods) {
    $methods[‘metaWeblog.my_new_add_blog’] = ‘my_new_add_blog’;
    return $methods;
    function my_new_add_blog($args) {
    //global $wpdb;
    // do some processing
    return “It works!!! Amazing!”;

    This actual code works and returns “It works!!! Amazing!” but when i uncomment the //global $wpdb;, then it complains about parsing my xml. Here is the actual error:

    [Fatal Error] :2:2: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed.

    How can just uncommenting out the //global $wpdb; line cause an xml parse error?

    Anybody have a clue?

    I make use of the redstone xmlrpc library so i don’t have to worry about make xml data.

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