• Hi all,
    First time posting.
    I’m on deadline and I tried to upload my site from xampp to my host.
    I changed the site path in the wordpress/options/settings from localhost to the desired domain. From there I created a SQL.zip of the database to upload to the PHPmyadmin section in the cPanel of the host site after uploading the ‘wordpress’ local folder to the host via FTP. The files are in the host though the when I try to import the SQL.zip file into PHPmyAdmin I get error messages and don’t know what to do.
    Worst of all I can’t even access my site on localhost anymore…sitting with a site on deadline that I can’t update on either side.
    Is anyone able to help please.

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  • The files are in the host though the when I try to import the SQL.zip file into PHPmyAdmin I get error messages and don’t know what to do.

    If you can’t import a SQL file directly, perhaps exporting the content via Tools → Export from the old site and then importing via Tools → Import on the new site would be a workable solution under a time constraint.

    Do make sure to check the help page esmi mentioned first though.

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