• After I upgraded to WP 2.2.1 , I now cannot use the WYSIWYG editor. It just is like the code mode. When I switch to code there is no way for me to go back to the editor. It just gives errors.

    setting a property that has only a getter
    [Break on this error] eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?””:e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a…
    jquery.js (line 1)
    obj.attachEvent is not a function
    [Break on this error] obj.attachEvent(“on” + name, handler);
    tiny_mce_gzip.php (line 850)
    window.event has no properties
    [Break on this error] onLoad : function() {var r;if (tinyMCE.settings.strict_loading_mode && this.load…
    tiny_mce_gzip.php (line 59)
    setting a property that has only a getter
    [Break on this error] eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?””:e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a…
    jquery.js (line 1)
    window.event has no properties
    [Break on this error] onLoad : function() {var r;if (tinyMCE.settings.strict_loading_mode && this.load…
    tiny_mce_gzip.php (line 59)
    replace_element.insertAdjacentHTML is not a function
    [Break on this error] replace_element.insertAdjacentHTML(“beforeBegin”, html);}var dynamicIFrame = fal…
    tiny_mce_gzip.php (line 174)

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