• Hi,

    I’m using a complete own theme and now I’m trying to add polylang. Default language is english, second language german.

    In English everything is working, I created the two menus and assigned them to the different positions, but the german page is not responding at all. I tracked down the problem by removing and adding code parts and so on and came down to wp_nav_menu, my main menu. without the menu line everything is working.
    I call it like you recommend it
    wp_nav_menu( array( 'container' => '','items_wrap' => '%3$s' , 'theme_location' => 'primary') );

    I switched to TwentyTwelve Theme, still broken.

    Polylang Settings
    Detect default > off
    – The language code, for example /en/, is added to all urls when using pretty permalinks.
    – Remove /language/ in pretty permalinks.
    – Hide URL language information for default language
    – When using static front page, redirect the language page to the front page in the right language
    Synch on for all features
    3 Custom Post Types, all checked
    3 Taxonomes, none checked

    Permalinks set to /%postname%

    Plugins: BreadcrumpNavXT, Convert Post Types, Custom Post Types Permalinks (for archives), Custom Post Type UI, Dynamic Widgets, Easy Contact Forms, Facebook, Nice Search, Regenerate Thumbnails, Taxonomy Widget, Under Construction,
    Wordpress Custom Post Type Archive

    I will try switching of Plugins for now…


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