• Hello.

    Is it possible to easily change the way pages are numbered to the reverse order?

    So that I have
    9, … 5, 4, 3, … 1.
    Where 9 is the latest.

    In such a way post will always remain at the pages they are to be.

    I would be extremely grateful if you could resolve this or add into the feature list on the next version.


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  • Plugin Author scribu


    It would be trivial to display the pagination links in reverse order, but that’s not what you’re asking for.

    You’re asking for the the oldest 10 posts to be on page 1, whereas currently the newest 10 posts are on page 1.

    If that were all, it would still be fairly easy, but I presume you also want to continue to display the newest posts first, i.e. to start at the latest page.

    I do not plan to add such a feature to this plugin.

    Thread Starter alexbuznik


    that upsets.

    alright then. Thanks for reply.

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