• Resolved AltMode


    Having an issue with the wp_nav_menu in 3.8. I have created some side menus to use within sidebars in my templates but even though there are 4 separate menus it keeps pulling the same menu in to all four. The main menu works fine but these secondary nav’s are an issue.

    wp_nav_menu( array(
                  'menu'            => 'business',
                  'container_class' => 'subnav',
                  'menu_class'      => 'nav pull-left',
                  'fallback_cb'     => 'wp_page_menu',
                  'menu_id' => 'business',
                  'walker' => new Bootstrapwp_Walker_Nav_Menu()
              ) );

    That is one of the blocks of code I am using but the menu it is actually pulling in on the actual page is not the same one assigned in the CMS.

    Anyone else ever had issues pulling nav menus in to templates?

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