• I have a windows server with a Dedicated IP Address and a normal WordPress 3.5 installed in my domain root.

    I also have a separate WordPress 3.5 multisite installed in a sub directory, and set as a virtual application in IIS.

    I have added two A Name records to the main domain, which point to the dedicated IP Address.

    1/ subdomain
    2/ *.subdomain

    The problem is when I add a new site to the subdomain multisite it redirects to the root domain.


    domain.com = Root WordPress (OK)
    subdomain.domain.com = Subdomain WordPress (OK)
    blog.subdomain.domain.com = Root WordPress (Not OK!)

    Infact, now I can have random.random.random.subdomain.domain.com which all point to the Root WordPress.

    What is the correct DNS settings to accomplish blog.sub.domain.com – pointing to the subdomain installation instead of the root installation?

    I eventually want to map domain names, using the MU Domain Mapping plugin, to these sub-subdomains, but I want to get this sorted first.

    Thanks in Advance! Josh

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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    🏳️‍🌈 Advisor and Activist

    I don’t think it’s DNS that’s the issue, I think it’s how wildcard subdomains are set up on your server (which is a different thing than DNS). But this may not be possible…

    DNS says ‘anything.domain.com goes to domain.com’ (you can also say things like tumblr.domain.com goes to tumblr.com/domainname, that’s why you have to define it).

    Your server says “Someone came looking for anything.domain.com, Josh told me that runs from domain.com, so I’ll send them there and let WP sort it out.”

    You have to either hard-map blog.subdomain.domain.com to subdomain.domain.com or figure out how to have two wildcards, and I really don’t even think two wildcards is possible unless you somehow chain them so it looks at one first… And even then, WP would stop you at the first one and not progress.

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