• I’m wondering if I should change my theme, and how I could make my blog look better.
    I spent a lot of time making this design, but I kinda find it a bit cold and not very friendly…
    I know it’s all in french, I’m thinking about opening a new blog in english, but if the design sucks, it’s time to change it…
    any critics appreciated.


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  • I like the clean, simple-looking design. It’s obvious it took a lot of work to get it that way. The only thing for me is the straight line next to the curvy line down the side. For some reason it is distracting to me. Maybe lighten the color of the straight line so it isn’t so bright. Great job, makes me wish I could read french.

    Thread Starter agothtale


    Ho, thanks for your time and idea !
    Yes, I can totally lighten that straight line down, it took a look at it, and it’s true it’s a bit too pinky and bright.

    I’m wondering if I should put an image or color on the background on the left an right of the blog, I’m afraid it’s a bit too white everywhere, tho I like it being simple…

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