• After upgrading to 2.7, when I am updating pages, instead of reloading the edit screen with the changes, the changes are saved, but a blank page.php appear with now post info in the URL. e.g. /blog/wp-admin/page.php rather than /blog/wp-admin/page.php?action=edit&post=2&_wp_original_http_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fblog%2Fwp-admin%2Fedit-pages.php&message=1

    So the get variables aren’t being posted somehow. I’ve looked through the forums for answers to no avail. Any ideas?

    Note: This appears to be the important piece of the form with that isn’t being passed: <input type=”hidden” name=”_wp_http_referer” value=”/blog/wp-admin/page.php?action=edit&post=2″ />

    I’m not sure, since the action of the form is post, what code places this value into the URL…i’m sure that’s where my problem lay…right?

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