• Resolved rawkid


    Hi all,

    I’m a no-coder so i need your help in this. I have customized the theme Modern Clix as “good” as i could with my knowledge. But i’m having issues with the sidebar and widgets.
    I have placed 3 text-widgets which i use to place clickable images. The first widget will link you to the shop. The second widget however is just an image which should not be clickable at all.
    But it is and the link is the same as the first one. This goes for the 3rd widget as well and strangely enough it goes all the way down to the footer where the text is also clickable(!?)
    I “messed” around with the sidebar.php a little bit so i’m guessing this is where i went wrong.

    You can have a look at my site here.

    This is the current sidebar code:

    <div id="sidebar" class="col last span-4">
    	<!-- Uncomment if you want to display the tag cloud in the homepage -->
    	<!-- Widgetized sidebar: Since the theme is simple, this is not fully
    		 error tested and could not look as good as it should be, therefore
    		 you might need to style the CSS file! For BETTER results:
    		 1) Don't use widgets. Hard code each section as shown below.
    		 2) Copy and paste the HTML for a sample section (lines 54 to 61).
    		 3) Replace the section title (HTML element H4) with your own.
    		 4) Replace the section description (HTML element P) with your own.
    		 5) For a better and consistent look, ALWAYS use a title
    		 and description for each section.
    	<ul class="widgetized-sidebar">
    	<?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar')
    	        || !dynamic_sidebar() ) : ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>
    <hr />

    This is the original sidebar code:

    <div id="sidebar" class="col last span-4">
    	<div class="section">
    		<h4 class="ver small">About</h4>
    		<p><?php echo get_bloginfo('description'); ?></p>
    	<div class="section">
    		<h4 class="ver small">Recently <span class="low">on</span> Twitter</h4>
    		<div id="twitter_div">
    			<ul id="twitter_update_list">
    	<div class="section">
    		<h4 class="ver small">Photos</h4>
    		<p>Recently uploaded photos to my <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/rodrigogalindez/" title="View my photos">Flickr photostream</a>.</p>
    		<div id="flickr_badge_wrapper">
    			<!-- Change &user=27741269%40N00 to your own Flickr user to change this -->
    			<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.flickr.com/badge_code_v2.gne?count=8&display=latest&size=s&layout=x&source=user&user=27741269%40N00"></script>
    	<div class="section">
    		<h4 class="ver small">Search</h4>
    		<p>Enter the query to search and hit <kbd>enter</kbd>.</p>
    		<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/searchform.php'); ?>
    	<!-- Uncomment if you want to display the tag cloud in the homepage -->
    	<!-- <div class="section">
    		<h4 class="ver small">Tags</h4>
    		<?php wp_tag_cloud(); ?>
    	</div> -->
    	<!-- Widgetized sidebar: Since the theme is simple, this is not fully
    		 error tested and could not look as good as it should be, therefore
    		 you might need to style the CSS file! For BETTER results:
    		 1) Don't use widgets. Hard code each section as shown below.
    		 2) Copy and paste the HTML for a sample section (lines 54 to 61).
    		 3) Replace the section title (HTML element H4) with your own.
    		 4) Replace the section description (HTML element P) with your own.
    		 5) For a better and consistent look, ALWAYS use a title
    		 and description for each section.
    	<ul class="widgetized-sidebar">
    	<?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar')
    	        || !dynamic_sidebar() ) : ?>
    			<div class="section">
    				<h4 class="ver small">Categories</h4>
    				<p>Dig in the archives.</p>
    				<ul class="nav">
    					<?php wp_list_categories('title_li='); ?>
    			<div class="section">
    				<h4 class="ver small">Blogroll</h4>
    				<p>Worth reading.</p>
    				<ul class="nav">
    					<?php wp_list_bookmarks('title_li=&categorize=0'); ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>
    <hr />

    So you see i don’t need all the original stuff like Twitter, Flickr etc. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards,


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