• Hi there !

    I use QC since monthes on a multisite, and i am … happy !

    But todays, on a specific theme activation i got tant on my multisite (AND tested on a fresh single install)

    Notice: Undefined index: ws_plugin__qcache_menu_pages_css in /wp-content/plugins/quick-cache/includes/classes/admin-css-js.inc.php on line 20

    Notice: Undefined index: ws_plugin__qcache_menu_pages_js in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-cache/includes/classes/admin-css-js.inc.php on line 28

    Notice: Undefined index: page in /wp-content/plugins/quick-cache/includes/classes/menu-pages.inc.php on line 304

    Notice: Undefined index: page in /wp-content/plugins/quick-cache/includes/classes/menu-pages.inc.php on line 278

    And when saving anything i get that :

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /wp-content/plugins/quick-cache/includes/classes/admin-css-js.inc.php:20) in /wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876


    Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /wp-content/plugins/quick-cache/includes/classes/clearing-routines.inc.php on line 42

    Ideas anyone ?


Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Change the following lines
    admin-css-js.inc.php line 20:

    if (isset($_GET["ws_plugin__qcache_menu_pages_css"])) /* Call inner function? */

    admin-css-js.inc.php line 28:

    if (isset($_GET["ws_plugin__qcache_menu_pages_js"])) /* Call inner function? */

    menu-pages.inc.php line 278

    if (isset($_GET["page"]) && preg_match ("/ws-plugin--qcache-/", $_GET["page"]))

    menu-pages.inc.php line 304

    if (isset($_GET["page"]) && preg_match ("/ws-plugin--qcache-/", $_GET["page"]))

    Same sloppy mistake made for all errors.

    Change line 27 in menu-pages.inc.php to:

    $updated_all_options = false;
    						if ($verified || (isset($_POST["ws_plugin__qcache_options_save"]) && ($nonce = $_POST["ws_plugin__qcache_options_save"]) && wp_verify_nonce ($nonce, "ws-plugin--qcache-options-save")))

    Add the folowing before line 41’s foreach.

    $uris = '';

    And change line 50 of advanced-cache.php (gets generated in your wp-content when enabling the plugin) into

    if (!QUICK_CACHE_ALLOW_BROWSER_CACHE && !isset($_GET["qcABC"]))

    Change lines 182-184 of includes/classes/readmes.inc.php into

    if (isset($readme[$path]) || file_exists ($path))
    								if (!isset($readme[$path])) /* If not already opened, we need open it up now. */

    Change line 30 of includes/_xtnls/markdown/nc-markdown.inc.php into

    $parser_class = 'NC_Markdown_Parser';

    Thread Starter Aphrodite



    thanks 🙂

    that worth an update !

    This are only errors that will be shown when all errors are shown. The default for production servers will hide these errors and you can just run the software.

    I think I’ll just dump all bugs and their fixes here 😛

    The clear button in the admin bar doesn’t work because of a JS change in newer WP.

    Open includes/classes/menu-pages.inc.php
    Replace on line 242 the word ajaxurl with:


    But when that’s fixes, you still have an ‘undefined’ error in the ajax response.

    includes/classes/purgin-routines.inc.php line 68.
    Put the folowing on a new line before the foreach.

    $error = '';

    Hit another one in advanced-cache.php on line 85

    else if (QUICK_CACHE_DONT_CACHE_QUERY_STRING_REQUESTS && strlen ($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) && !isset($_GET["qcAC"]) && !(count ($_GET) === 1 && isset($_GET["qcABC"])))

    Change includes/classes/clearin-routines.inc.php line 24 into:

    $cache = glob (WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/cache/qc-c-*-" . md5 ($host_uri) . "-*"); /* Match md5_2. */
    if(is_array($cache) && count($cache))
    	$cache = $cache[0];

    includes/classes/admin-notices.inc.php line 99:

    if (!$page || "*" === $page || $pagenow === $page || (isset($_GET["page"]) && $_GET["page"] === $page))

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  • The topic ‘undefined errors hearde already sent’ is closed to new replies.