• Hi there. First post here, but not the first time I look into WordPress. Once again, I am looking into converting my blog from Typepad to WordPress, simply on grounds of economics. I realize there is a lot of advise out there regarding this migration, and a lot of things appear to go wrong if you want links to continue to work, and the whole works to be migrated, including photos and some-such.

    On the other hand, it appears that even a simple standalone post editor such as Windows Live Writer can read about every post in its entirety, and write it out again.

    Does anyone know of a tool that can suck up a Typepad site and re-post to WordPress?

    I am looking for a method that is more or less fool-proof and automatic. I wouldn’t mind paying a fee for this (within reasonable limits of course), or the process taking considerable time. Text-only imports that leave links or image references broken won’t do.

    Comments appreciated. Thanks!

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