• Bink


    How do I turn off the smiles? I have found info on how to modify them. However, I want to remove them completely. Thanks!

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Volunteer Moderator

    Just remove them from vars.php.

    Thread Starter Bink



    Thread Starter Bink


    *still need help*
    I’m very new to WP. Here is the vars.php file:


    // On which page are we ?
    if (preg_match('#([^/]+.php)#', $PHP_SELF, $self_matches)) {
    $pagenow = $self_matches[1];
    } else if (strstr($PHP_SELF, '?')) {
    $pagenow = explode('/', $PHP_SELF);
    $pagenow = trim($pagenow[(sizeof($pagenow)-1)]);
    $pagenow = explode('?', $pagenow);
    $pagenow = $pagenow[0];
    } else {
    $pagenow = 'index.php';

    // Simple browser detection
    $is_lynx = 0; $is_gecko = 0; $is_winIE = 0; $is_macIE = 0; $is_opera = 0; $is_NS4 = 0;
    if (!isset($HTTP_USER_AGENT)) {
    if (preg_match('/Lynx/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT)) {
    $is_lynx = 1;
    } elseif (preg_match('/Gecko/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT)) {
    $is_gecko = 1;
    } elseif ((preg_match('/MSIE/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT)) && (preg_match('/Win/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT))) {
    $is_winIE = 1;
    } elseif ((preg_match('/MSIE/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT)) && (preg_match('/Mac/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT))) {
    $is_macIE = 1;
    } elseif (preg_match('/Opera/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT)) {
    $is_opera = 1;
    } elseif ((preg_match('/Nav/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT) ) || (preg_match('/Mozilla\/4\./', $HTTP_USER_AGENT))) {
    $is_NS4 = 1;
    $is_IE = (($is_macIE) || ($is_winIE));

    // Server detection
    $is_apache = strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache') ? 1 : 0;

    // if the config file does not provide the smilies array, let's define it here
    if (!isset($wpsmiliestrans)) {
    $wpsmiliestrans = array(
    ' :)' => 'icon_smile.gif',
    ' :D' => 'icon_biggrin.gif',
    ' :-D' => 'icon_biggrin.gif',
    ':grin:' => 'icon_biggrin.gif',
    ' :)' => 'icon_smile.gif',
    ' :-)' => 'icon_smile.gif',
    ':smile:' => 'icon_smile.gif',
    ' :(' => 'icon_sad.gif',
    ' :-(' => 'icon_sad.gif',
    ':sad:' => 'icon_sad.gif',
    ' :o' => 'icon_surprised.gif',
    ' :-o' => 'icon_surprised.gif',
    ':eek:' => 'icon_surprised.gif',
    ' 8O' => 'icon_eek.gif',
    ' 8-O' => 'icon_eek.gif',
    ':shock:' => 'icon_eek.gif',
    ' :?' => 'icon_confused.gif',
    ' :-?' => 'icon_confused.gif',
    ' :???:' => 'icon_confused.gif',
    ' 8)' => 'icon_cool.gif',
    ' 8-)' => 'icon_cool.gif',
    ':cool:' => 'icon_cool.gif',
    ':lol:' => 'icon_lol.gif',
    ' :x' => 'icon_mad.gif',
    ' :-x' => 'icon_mad.gif',
    ':mad:' => 'icon_mad.gif',
    ' :P' => 'icon_razz.gif',
    ' :-P' => 'icon_razz.gif',
    ':razz:' => 'icon_razz.gif',
    ':oops:' => 'icon_redface.gif',
    ':cry:' => 'icon_cry.gif',
    ':evil:' => 'icon_evil.gif',
    ':twisted:' => 'icon_twisted.gif',
    ':roll:' => 'icon_rolleyes.gif',
    ':wink:' => 'icon_wink.gif',
    ' ;)' => 'icon_wink.gif',
    ' ;-)' => 'icon_wink.gif',
    ':!:' => 'icon_exclaim.gif',
    ':?:' => 'icon_question.gif',
    ':idea:' => 'icon_idea.gif',
    ':arrow:' => 'icon_arrow.gif',
    ' :|' => 'icon_neutral.gif',
    ' :-|' => 'icon_neutral.gif',
    ':neutral:' => 'icon_neutral.gif',
    ':mrgreen:' => 'icon_mrgreen.gif',

    // sorts the smilies' array
    if (!function_exists('smiliescmp')) {
    function smiliescmp ($a, $b) {
    if (strlen($a) == strlen($b)) {
    return strcmp($a, $b);
    return (strlen($a) > strlen($b)) ? -1 : 1;
    uksort($wpsmiliestrans, 'smiliescmp');

    // generates smilies' search & replace arrays
    foreach($wpsmiliestrans as $smiley => $img) {
    $wp_smiliessearch[] = $smiley;
    $smiley_masked = htmlspecialchars( trim($smiley) , ENT_QUOTES);
    $wp_smiliesreplace[] = " <img src='" . get_settings('siteurl') . "/wp-images/smilies/$img' alt='$smiley_masked' class='wp-smiley' /> ";

    // Path for cookies
    define('COOKIEPATH', preg_replace('|https?://[^/]+|i', '', get_settings('home') . '/' ) );
    define('SITECOOKIEPATH', preg_replace('|https?://[^/]+|i', '', get_settings('siteurl') . '/' ) );


    Exactly, which part do I remove? When I attempted to remove them I got an error message. Thanks!

    Moderator James Huff


    Volunteer Moderator


    // if the config file does not provide the smilies array, let's define it here
    if (!isset($wpsmiliestrans)) {
    $wpsmiliestrans = array(
    ' :)' => 'icon_smile.gif',
    ' :D' => 'icon_biggrin.gif',
    ' :-D' => 'icon_biggrin.gif',
    ':grin:' => 'icon_biggrin.gif',
    ' :)' => 'icon_smile.gif',
    ' :-)' => 'icon_smile.gif',
    ':smile:' => 'icon_smile.gif',
    ' :(' => 'icon_sad.gif',
    ' :-(' => 'icon_sad.gif',
    ':sad:' => 'icon_sad.gif',
    ' :o' => 'icon_surprised.gif',
    ' :-o' => 'icon_surprised.gif',
    ':eek:' => 'icon_surprised.gif',
    ' 8O' => 'icon_eek.gif',
    ' 8-O' => 'icon_eek.gif',
    ':shock:' => 'icon_eek.gif',
    ' :?' => 'icon_confused.gif',
    ' :-?' => 'icon_confused.gif',
    ' :???:' => 'icon_confused.gif',
    ' 8)' => 'icon_cool.gif',
    ' 8-)' => 'icon_cool.gif',
    ':cool:' => 'icon_cool.gif',
    ':lol:' => 'icon_lol.gif',
    ' :x' => 'icon_mad.gif',
    ' :-x' => 'icon_mad.gif',
    ':mad:' => 'icon_mad.gif',
    ' :P' => 'icon_razz.gif',
    ' :-P' => 'icon_razz.gif',
    ':razz:' => 'icon_razz.gif',
    ':oops:' => 'icon_redface.gif',
    ':cry:' => 'icon_cry.gif',
    ':evil:' => 'icon_evil.gif',
    ':twisted:' => 'icon_twisted.gif',
    ':roll:' => 'icon_rolleyes.gif',
    ':wink:' => 'icon_wink.gif',
    ' ;)' => 'icon_wink.gif',
    ' ;-)' => 'icon_wink.gif',
    ':!:' => 'icon_exclaim.gif',
    ':?:' => 'icon_question.gif',
    ':idea:' => 'icon_idea.gif',
    ':arrow:' => 'icon_arrow.gif',
    ' :|' => 'icon_neutral.gif',
    ' :-|' => 'icon_neutral.gif',
    ':neutral:' => 'icon_neutral.gif',
    ':mrgreen:' => 'icon_mrgreen.gif',

    Thread Starter Bink


    Thank you so much. πŸ™‚

    Thread Starter Bink


    Actually, that info you gave is incorrect but I figured it out. Thanks for your assistance nonetheless. πŸ™‚

    Thread Starter Bink



    These smilies are evil. They won’t leave. You were incorrect and so am I. This is my current vars.php file after my edit. Where the hell are these smilies coming from?


    // On which page are we ?
    if (preg_match(‘#([^/]+.php)#’, $PHP_SELF, $self_matches)) {
    $pagenow = $self_matches[1];
    } else if (strstr($PHP_SELF, ‘?’)) {
    $pagenow = explode(‘/’, $PHP_SELF);
    $pagenow = trim($pagenow[(sizeof($pagenow)-1)]);
    $pagenow = explode(‘?’, $pagenow);
    $pagenow = $pagenow[0];
    } else {
    $pagenow = ‘index.php’;

    // Simple browser detection
    $is_lynx = 0; $is_gecko = 0; $is_winIE = 0; $is_macIE = 0; $is_opera = 0; $is_NS4 = 0;
    if (!isset($HTTP_USER_AGENT)) {
    if (preg_match(‘/Lynx/’, $HTTP_USER_AGENT)) {
    $is_lynx = 1;
    } elseif (preg_match(‘/Gecko/’, $HTTP_USER_AGENT)) {
    $is_gecko = 1;
    } elseif ((preg_match(‘/MSIE/’, $HTTP_USER_AGENT)) && (preg_match(‘/Win/’, $HTTP_USER_AGENT))) {
    $is_winIE = 1;
    } elseif ((preg_match(‘/MSIE/’, $HTTP_USER_AGENT)) && (preg_match(‘/Mac/’, $HTTP_USER_AGENT))) {
    $is_macIE = 1;
    } elseif (preg_match(‘/Opera/’, $HTTP_USER_AGENT)) {
    $is_opera = 1;
    } elseif ((preg_match(‘/Nav/’, $HTTP_USER_AGENT) ) || (preg_match(‘/Mozilla\/4\./’, $HTTP_USER_AGENT))) {
    $is_NS4 = 1;
    $is_IE = (($is_macIE) || ($is_winIE));

    // Server detection
    $is_apache = strstr($_SERVER[‘SERVER_SOFTWARE’], ‘Apache’) ? 1 : 0;

    // Path for cookies
    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, preg_replace(‘|https?://[^/]+|i’, ”, get_settings(‘home’) . ‘/’ ) );
    define(‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, preg_replace(‘|https?://[^/]+|i’, ”, get_settings(‘siteurl’) . ‘/’ ) );


    Alex King


    Why not just go into Options -> Writing an uncheck the “Convert emoticons like πŸ™‚ and πŸ˜› to graphics on display” box?

    Thread Starter Bink


    I tried that before I posted for help. It does not work.

    Bink – your web address ?
    Clear your cache.
    Delete the smilies directory inside /wp-images

    Thread Starter Bink


    Thanks podz! I didn’t need to delete the directory. I looked closer at the theme I am using and the comment.php file is pointing to it. It is taking me some time to recognize the index.php file is sparsed. Thanks…resolved.

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