• Hello, everyone, just updated wordpress to new 3.9, new features are great, love them. Only got some issues with tinyMCE 4. I use wp_editor to create multiple tinyMCE editors with custom field.

    here is the code

    $tinymce_opt = array(
    	 'height' 	 => "250",
    	 'plugins'  => "nz_button, line, gap, slider_colorbox, icon_list, icons, font_size",
    	 'toolbar1' => "formatselect,fontselect, styleselect,|,bold,italic,underline,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,link,unlink,|,forecolor,removeformat,charmap,undo,redo",
    	 'toolbar2' => "nz_button, line, gap, slider_colorbox, icon_list, icons, font_size",
    	 'toolbar3' => ""
    $settings = array (
    	'tinymce'       => $tinymce_opt
    wp_editor( ${"layer_$i"}, "layer_$i", $settings);

    everything is fine. the problem is that it does not understand plugins (my custom shortcodes, that i created). Custom shortcodes work fine in regular wp editor, but in multiple wp_editor, it just does not find them.

    In colsole i get error 404 can’t find

    for example “line” shortcode

    http://localhost/0_test/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/line/plugin.min.js 404 (Not Found)

    All my custom shortcodes are ignored, not found.

    Does anyone know, how to tell tinyMCE + wp_editor to use custom shortcodes?

    My custom shortcodes are located in my theme

    Thanks very much!

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