• Hello Folks!

    I just tried out the promising hybrid-news-theme, but the theme doesn`t work at the very beginnig, although I did everything according to the descriptions. I have installed wp 2.9.2, then uploaded the hybrid theme, then the hybrid-news-theme, then activated it. There was a screenshot of the hybrid theme on the Dashoboard, where the themes are displayed as small screenshots, but not that one of the hybrid-news-theme, only the usual discription (activate, etc.). So nevertheless I activated the hybrid-news theme, but it was not displayed properly.

    If you go to http://www.vedavox.de, my supposed new blog, you will see that the theme is not correctly displayed.

    Do you have the answer to my problem? I would be very thankful!

    Regards from Germany

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  • http://www.vedavox.de/wp-content/themes/hybrid-news/style.css
    your style sheet isn’t getting in because of a 403 error
    maybe temporarily chmod /wp-content to 777 and try it



    Hey Shiva, I had similar problems until I figured it out. Here’s my site: Supplement Updates

    You have to create a new page for the front page. You can call it whatever you want, but you have to use the “front page template” in the menu. Just create one and leave it blank and it solves a lot of problems.

    I wonder if hybrid will be updating for the upcoming new version of WordPress.

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