• http://www.pulsedog.com

    At the very top of my page on the left side, it says “latest tweets”. The latest tweet is showing up underneath the Latest Tweet text. Here is the php I have in the header:

    <div id="nav1" class="tweetop">
    <p id="tweet" align="left"><img src="http://www.pulsedog.com/images/new-twitter-bird-transparent.png" width="32" height="23" border="0"><h2>Currently Tweeting</h2><?php recentTweets('pulsedog', '1'); ?></p>
        <div class="clr"></div>

    Here is what I have in my style.css for the “tweetop” class…

    /* Latest Tweet */
    .tweetop { margin:20; padding:32px 0 16px; float:center; width:auto;}
    .tweetop p a { color:#fff; text-decoration:none;}
    .tweetop p img { margin:-8px 0px 0 0; padding:0; float:center; border:none;}
    .tweetop h2 { margin:-20px 15px; padding:0; font-size:22px; letter-spacing:normal; font-weight:left; float:center; color:#fff;}

    I had to do all that margin work on the <h2> tag because it was dropping down about 20px and had to be pushed over to the right, too. I think it’s fighting with <h2> formatting elsewhere in the page because of the Cufon font conversion on the headings in this template. Regular text was fine, the second I added the H2 tags to make it match the other fonts on the page, it would drop down.

    I probably fixed it the wrong way, using negative margins to move it around. I’ll post my whole style sheet on the next post, and maybe someone can see why it fought me?

    Anyway, that’s “patched up” and displaying fine, but now I can’t seem to get the tweet text to push over to the right, out from under the “Currently Tweeting” text.

    Is there anything I can add to the stylesheet or inline to fix it?

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