• Hey guys,

    You can see it here (omerbaturay.com). I do have code that moves the image up a little to reduce the gap between it and the slider but the cutoff doesn’t change when i activate/de-activate them.

    Any idea how I could get my “full circles” back? 😀

    Here’s all I have in CSS

    Theme Name: Child Theme
    Version: 1.0
    Description: A child theme of Customizr
    Template: customizr
    @import url("../customizr/style.css");
    /* Moves the button and text on slider */
    .carousel-caption {
    position:   relative;
    top:        0px;      /* 0px is top of element */
    left:       0%;       /* 0% is left of element */
    /* change the FB icon to blue style  */
    a.icon-facebook:before {
    background-color:   #3b5998;
    border-radius:      2px;
    color:              white;
    padding:            4px 0 0 2px;
    position:           relative;
    text-shadow:        none;
    top:                4px;
    a.icon-facebook {
    position:           relative;
    top:                -4px;
    /* Remove Navbar box (CURRENTLY INACTIVE)
    .navbar .navbar-inner {
    -webkit-box-shadow: none;
    -moz-box-shadow:    none;
    box-shadow:         none;
    background:         none;
    -webkit-box-shadow: none;
    -moz-box-shadow:    none;
    box-shadow:         none;
    }   */
    /* 2px=thickness, solid=style (dotted-dashed-solid-double-groove-ridge-inset-outset), red=color */
    #customizr-slider {
    border-top: 4px groove orange;
    /* border-bottom: 4px groove orange; (CURRENTLY DISABLED) */
    /* 2px=thickness, solid=style (dotted - dashed - solid - double - groove - ridge - inset - outset), green=color (CURRENTLY INACTIVE)
    #right.widget-area {
      border-left: 2px solid green;
    } */
    /* Change Slider Titles (2em) font-size, (Garamond) family, (red) color (CURRENTLY INACTIVE)
    .carousel-caption h1 {
    font-family:    Garamond;
    font-size:      2em;
    color:            red;
    .carousel-caption p {
    font-family:    Garamond;
    font-size:      2em;
    color:            blue;
    .carousel-caption .btn {
    font-family:    Garamond;
    font-size:      2em;
    color:            yellow;
    } */
    /* Removes gray bar between menu-bar and slider */
    header.tc-header {
    border-bottom: 0;
    /* Changes the gray bar between menu-bar and slider (CURRENTLY INACTIVE)
    /* 2px=thickness, solid=style (dotted - dashed - solid - double - groove - ridge - inset - outset), green=color */
    /* header.tc-header {
    border-bottom:  2px solid green; */
    } */
    /* All Carousels - Hides arrows on slider */
    .carousel-control {
    display:        none;
    /* Front-page Carousel only - Hides arrows on slider */
    .home .carousel-control {
    display:        none;
    /* Header Social Icons - Changes their size */
    .navbar-inner .social-block {
    font-size: 1.5em;
    /* Footer Social Icons - Changes their size */
    .colophon .social-block {
    font-size: 1.5em;
    /* Reduce gap between Slider & Zoom Image */
    .marketing {
    margin-top:     -5px;
    /* Reduce gap between Zoom Image & FP Header  */
    .widget-front > h2 {
    margin-top:     -2px;
    margin-bottom:  0px; 
    /* Necessary for centering tagline */
    .brand.span12 {
    float:              none;
    /* Centers tagline */
    .site-description {
    margin:             0px 0px;
    .inside.site-description {
    display:            block;
    /* Centers entire menu-bar block */
    .navbar-wrapper .navbar.notresp.row-fluid {
    float:              none;
    width:              90%;
    margin:             0 auto;
    /* Adjusts margin and padding for the menu-bar block */
    .navbar .navbar-inner {
    margin:             20px 0px;
    padding:            0px 0px;
    /* Makes Slider into a Fader */
    .carousel-inner > .item {
    -webkit-transition: opacity 1.5s ease-in-out ;
    transition:         opacity 1.5s ease-in-out ;
    .carousel-inner > .next.left,
    .carousel-inner > .prev.right {
    opacity:        1;
    z-index:        1;
    left:           0;
    .carousel-inner > .active.left {
    opacity:        0;
    z-index:        2;
    left:           0;
    .carousel-inner > .active.right {
    opacity:        0;
    z-index:        2;
    left:           0;
    /* Adds a second line of tagline after the main one */
    .site-description:after {
        content:      "Specialized in Entrepreneurship and International Business";
        display:      block;
        font-size:    .95em;      /* optional */
        font-weight:  normal;     /* optional */
        opacity:      0.8;        /* optional */
    /* Moves social icons to the right */
    .navbar-inner .social-block {
    float:          right;
    margin-right:   -20px;
    text-align:     right;
    /* Moves logo down to level with menu-bar */
    .tc-header .brand a {
        margin: 50px;
        font-size: .75em;
    /* Disables background on the slider text */
    .carousel-caption {
     background: none;
     filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
    /*make the menu sub-menu items drop down on mouse hover */
    ul.nav li.dropdown:hover > ul.dropdown-menu{
        display: block;
        margin: 0;
    ul.nav li.dropdown > ul.dropdown-menu {
        padding-top: 10px;
        margin: 0;
    .nav > li > a.a-caret {
        display: block;
        padding: 8px;
        position: absolute;
        height: 10px;
        width: 10px;
        top: 1px;
        left: 10px;
    .nav > li > a.a-stripped {
        padding: 5px 2px 5px 38px;
    .navbar .nav .dropdown-toggle .caret {
        margin-top: 4px;
        margin-left: 1px;
    .navbar .nav > li > .dropdown-menu:before {
        left: 16px;
    .navbar .nav > li > .dropdown-menu:after {
        left: 17px;
    .navbar .navbar-inner {
        box-shadow: 0 2px 15px rgba(0,0,0, 0.12);
    .navbar .nav > li > .dropdown-menu:before {
        border-bottom: 7px solid rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.27);
    .navbar .nav > li > .dropdown-menu:after {
        border-bottom: 6px solid rgba(255,255,255,.9);
    .navbar .nav li.dropdown.open > .dropdown-toggle,
    .navbar .nav li.dropdown.active > .dropdown-toggle,
    .navbar .nav li.dropdown.open.active > .dropdown-toggle {
        background-color: #ececec;
        border-radius: 4px;
        box-shadow: inset 0 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.35);
    @media (min-width: 980px) {
        ul.nav li.dropdown:hover a.a-caret + ul.dropdown-menu,
        ul.nav li.dropdown a.a-caret:hover + ul.dropdown-menu,
        ul.nav li.dropdown ul.dropdown-menu:hover {
            display: block;
            z-index: 1001;
    @media (max-width: 979px) {
        .nav > li > a.a-caret {
            box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.35);
            height: 12px;
            width: 12px;
            top: 2px;
            left: 8px;
        .nav > li > a.a-stripped {padding-right: 45px; padding-left: 45px;}
        ul.nav li.dropdown.open ul.dropdown-menu  {
            background-color: #ececec;
            border-radius: 4px;
            box-shadow: inset 0 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.35);
        .dropdown-submenu > a:after {
            border-left-color: transparent;
            border-top-color: #ccc;
            border-width: 5px 5px 0 5px;
        .dropdown-submenu:hover > a:after {
            border-top-color: #fff;
        .dropdown-submenu:hover > a:after {
            border-left-color: transparent;
        ul.nav li.dropdown.open ul.dropdown-menu .dropdown-submenu ul.dropdown-menu {
            background-color: white;
            box-shadow: inset 0 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.27);
            display: block;
            position: relative;
            margin-right: 4px;
            bottom: 2px;
        ul.nav li.dropdown.open ul.dropdown-menu .dropdown-submenu:hover > a {
            color: white;
    /* Adjust the Slider Height */
    #customizr-slider.carousel .item {
    height:         375px;
    min-height:     375px;
    line-height:    375px;
    /* Changes slider font size */
    .carousel-caption h1{
      font-size: 25px;
    .carousel-caption p{
      font-size: 15px;
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