• thanks for this handy little plugin!
    i’ve takent the liberty to add another few lines of code, so that it also auto-fills the alt-tag if empty:

    function lcb_restore_image_title( $html, $id ) {
    	$attachment = get_post($id);
        if (strpos($html, "title=")) {
        	$returnvar = $html;
        else {
    		$mytitle = esc_attr($attachment->post_title);
    		$returnvar = str_replace('<img', '<img title="' . $mytitle . '" '  , $html);
        if (strpos($returnvar, "alt=\"\"")) {
    		$mytitle = esc_attr($attachment->post_title);
    		$returnvar = str_replace("alt=\"\"", "alt=\"" . $mytitle . "\"" , $returnvar);
    	return $returnvar;

    feel free to include this in your plugin, if you think other people will like it.

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