• Tabs no longer display in any browser. Page presents as one long item instead of tabbed. Shortcodes are not displayed in text, so they are being processed, but without functionality.

    This error is logged–

    ReferenceError: wpuiJQ is not defined
    Error is from line 17 of file wp-ui.js?ver=0.0.8

    Would love some guidance.

    Here is a page which should have tabbed content: link


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  • Hi !

    I have exactly the same problem. On one of my WordPress sites, my WP UI plugin doesn’t work (tabs are not displayed anymore in the admin tab nor the blog side) and the Developper console of Chrome says :

    Uncaught ReferenceError: wpuiJQ is not defined tabs.js:38
    Uncaught ReferenceError: wpuiJQ is not defined init.js:46
    Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'wptabs'

    But no reference to any file or line.

    I tried to deactivate all the plugins, or to change the theme, no change. also I tried to switch on another blog (I run WP Multisite) and it works on all other blogs.

    Do you find a way to resolve that issue ?

    Thank you for your help,

    Got it !
    The issue comes from the Multisite installation and occurs only on the main blog (not other blogs). WP UI plugin calls “site_url()” to register JS scripts for admin and userland side (see admin/wpUI-options.php:857).

    When using WordPress Multisite, site_url() returns the right value, *except* for the main multisite blog. In that case, wpui-script=before fails to load (404 error) and the plugins breaks.

    I replaced the following line :
    wp_register_script( 'wpui-script-before', site_url( '/?wpui-script=before' ), $admin_deps );

    by that one :
    wp_register_script('wpui-script-before',get_bloginfo('url') . '/?wpui-script=before', $admin_deps );

    and now it works perfectly !

    I suppose I have to change all occurrences of site_url() when used to load JS by get_bloginfo(‘url’).

    Hope this helps,

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