• Hey there!

    Excellent theme! I love the look of it, and after hours of searching, it was exactly the WordPress theme I was looking for. Nice job!

    I love the look of the search bar in the header, but unfortunately I have to remove it as I need to place a banner ad in the header space. However, I would prefer to keep the same exact look of the search bar, and simply move in down to the navigation menu instead.

    I can easily remove the search from the header by removing the <?php get_search_form(); ?> from the header.php file, but I was hoping I could simply drop it back into the code at the right spot to translate it into the navigation menu. I love the look and css code behind the search bar, I would much rather keep it than elect to use a silly plugin to get a basic (and ugly) looking search bar in the Nav menu.

    Can you please help me figure out a good way to do this?

    My site is PitcherGifs.com

    Thank you very much!


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