• Spam Hammer SAVES! Saves time, money, and hassles EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY!!!!!!!

    Before Spam Hammer, my blog/website was becoming overrun with spam comments. I couldn’t get anything done because I had 500+ comments to go through & moderate every time I logged on to my site . I tried everything, captcha, math equations, every plugin I could find to relieve some of the spam, and NOTHING helped. I am the only administrator & moderator on Animal Earth Essence, and I refuse to poison my followers with comments that have nothing the site content. For months I was bogged down deleting spam and didn’t have time to write important articles on animal care, earth preservation, spirituality, or the local Tampa Bay activities. Anytime I attempted to work on the site, I would waste hours of time on moderation, reading through hundreds & hundreds of useless comments to find ONE single comment that was worthwhile. The day I tried Spam Hammer, everything changed, it was amazing so easy to use and exceptional at getting through the spam. I LOVE logging on to seeing the massive number of blocked spam attempts, as well as the chart of how many attempts per hour. Finally I can do what I need to do on my site, without excessive spam moderation. Now I can write articles, I can promote offers, and enjoy the benefits of providing good quality information to the public, WITHOUT dealing with endless spam. Spam Hammer has allowed me to remove EVERY other anti-spam plugin, do the work I intend to do, and get back to enjoying the good I strive to promote on I can’t begin to THANK SPAM HAMMER enough for giving my site back to me, and saving hours and days of time fighting unwanted spam! Spam Hammer is the most important and ONLY spam blocker that does exactly what they say it will, and makes website administrator’s job simple and pleasant!

    Hope you will stop by Animal Earth Essence read our articles, join a discussion, comment your thoughts. Whatever you wish on our site it is available to you, unless you are out for spamming because you can be sure SPAM HAMMER will slam you down before anyone else has to deal with it!

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