• …besides, I have set hide_empty=0 for troubleshooting. Here is my template tag:

    <?php wp_list_categories(‘title_li=&exclude=154,74,52,51,25,11&hide_empty=0’); ?> (the excluded categories are not the missing ones in question)

    Anyway, all my categories will show if at the top level, but go awol when made a child of another category, although their children (some) will still show. Web site:


    I have set all my non-excluded categories as children of “MINISTRIES”…one of the missing categories, for example is “STUDENTS” yet 2 of the 3 of its children (“C3 HIGH SCHOOL” and “OXYGEN (COLLEGE)”) do display (there is a 3rd child of “STUDENTS” that does not display, though, so I can’t see any consistent pattern as far as descendant level goes).

    So I’m stuck…any ideas?

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