• Resolved Dave Warfel


    I installed the Slideshow Gallery 2 plugin by Cameron Preston & Antonie Potgieter. It appeared to work just fine, but the TinyMCE editing buttons disappeared from the ‘Edit Page’ screen for all posts, pages, etc.

    Also, all of the content within the text box editing area became invisible. I could still select it, and see there was something there, but the images were not visible, and the text was white, which blended with the background.

    Interestingly, I only had this issue in Chrome, Firefox & Safari, but not in IE (internet explorer). I deactivated all of my plugins, and that’s how I found out this one was causing the issue.

    Just thought this would be helpful info if it happens to someone else.

    If you’re curious, I went with the Nivo Slider for WordPress plugin instead. It’s pretty basic, but comparable to the Slideshow Gallery 2 plugin. (Nivo plugin)


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  • Thanks for posting. I just noticed that the Tiny MCE editor disappears and am pretty disappointed. Also, HTML shows up in Visual View and the page where you add your gallery shows the comment box event if you have comments disabled on that page.

    I will check out your recommendation for the alternative.

    I found this issue and it’s an easy fix.

    go to blogfolder/wp-content/plugins/slideshow-gallery-2/slideshow-gallery.php with a text editor and change (comment out) these two lines. Here’s what you need to do.

    You want to look for these two lines:

    $this -> add_filter(‘mce_buttons’);

    $this -> add_filter(‘mce_external_plugins’);
    They will be on lines 57 and 59. Add to // (slash marks) in front of each line and this fill fix this issue.

    //$this -> add_filter(‘mce_buttons’);

    //$this -> add_filter(‘mce_external_plugins’);

    Thanks for the fix. It helped solved the problem but I found the lines to be number 29 and 30.

    Alternatively if you do not want to hack the existing plugin you could add the below code to your themes functions.php file:

    function remove_slideshow_gallery_tinymce_plugin($plugins) {
    		return $plugins;
    	add_filter('mce_external_plugins',        remove_slideshow_gallery_tinymce_plugin);

    That code will stop the plugin from trying to hook into TinyMce, so the button to easily insert the slideshow short code will no longer be there but that’s no issue in my book.


    After pulling my hair out for 2 days and a very awkward meeting with a client about this issue, you have shown me the solution. Thank you very much!

    Hello, I know that this topic is solved, but I have not found another one related to Slideshow Gallery 2.

    I can`t change order of slides. Even if I change the order and click in the “change order”button, nothing happens.

    Does anybody know how to solve it?

    Thanks a lot.

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