• Hello. First I would like to thank all of those who make WordPress possible. I started my woodworking/DIY site in March. I am looking for fresh eye opinions from those outside the woodworking world. If you could tell me what you think, any problematic issues you encounter, or room for improvement visually it would be much appreciated 🙂


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  • Hi Jay,

    I just checked out your site and it looks great.

    I just have a few things that I think would help a bit (just my opinion of course):

    1. The background (wood pattern) is a little too dark and strong. It is not inviting. I would advice on changing it with something lighter.

    I also ran your site through http://gtmetrix.com for speed and your site seems to be very slow. The biggest problem right now are:

    1. I know your site is going to be image heavy, so as you go along, you will be adding more and more images which will slow down your site.

    Your images are not optimized. As you add more images, your site will start to slow down. Either use a plugin like Smush It or simply upload your image to http://www.smushit.com/ysmush.it/ first, then use the “smushed” version on your site.

    2. Another thing about images, you should specify the dimension of your images. Doing so will allow for faster rendering (in plain, your site will load faster).

    3. You need to enable caching. You can do that by either pasting the below code into your .htaccess file (found in your root directory). But be sure to back up your site or at least copy and save the original htaccess, in case you mess something up you can go back and restore the original one.

    # BEGIN File Cache
    <FilesMatch “.(flv|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|ico|swf|js|css|pdf)$”>
    Header set Cache-Control “max-age=2592000″
    # END File Cache

    If you don’t want to mess with codes, you can use a plugin like W3Cache which will help you do that and many other things that will help your site load faster.

    4. You can also compress your files and other stuff. You can use this code to do that (it basically compresses your files. For example: your CSS file has white lines that is only used to help developers work easier with the code, by compressing them you get rid of those white lines which will help the file load faster).

    <ifModule mod_deflate.c>
        AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml application/xml application/xhtml+xml text/css text/javascript application/javascript application/x-javascript

    Remember, although speed is not a big search engine factor, it is still a factor. So, by having a fast loading site, you improve your chances of ranking your site for various keywords.

    Plus, visitors like fast sites. People push the back button if it takes more than a few seconds to load.

    Also, I would strongly suggest you read up about site speed. There are a lot of easy stuff you can do that will help your site perform much better.

    And please please back up your site (or at least the files you are going to work on) before you do any editing (such as mentioned above). I or anyone else here who give you codes or what have you can not be responsible for anything going wrong.

    Anyway, great site and best of luck.

    Thread Starter jaybates


    Wow! Thanks for the detailed response! I will definately look into speeding things up. You opened my eye on a few things here. Thank you very much!

    Wow, what great information from user satrap.

    I would just mention a few things: The background color is too dark – perhaps light oak ?

    Also, I would eliminate “Downloads” and replace it with “Free Plans” and “Programs I Use”

    Perhaps add a contact form and RSS.

    Good luck in your business.


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