• Hello.

    I’ve got a blogg. in this blog I’ve got categories with posts.


    For some categories I want a another domain.

    instead of

    Different domains on a single wordpress installation (not multi site).

    I’ve found this plugin: http://wordpress.org/plugins/domain-mapping-system/

    Is this plugin a solution for my problem?

    (why don’t you try out yourself .. some of you may think)

    I’ve tried to install the plugin it says “point your domains to your wordpress vhost” and I’m kind of stuck there.

    I’ve got a hosting company with my primary domain, and another company as registar with my secondary domains.

    After some research I think I’m supposed to change the name servers at my secondary domain registar to my primary hosting. (correct me if im wrong).

    So my questions:

    1. Is this the right plugin for my problem?
    2. Do I point my secondary domains to my wordpress vhost by configuring to my primary name servers?

    PS. If this is wrong forum -> please move me to right one

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