• I’m using WP 3.7.1 and the Kippis theme that has some mobile support via a mobile css stylesheet. The Single Categories plug-in is just what I need to quickly display upcoming live music events on a static page. Each event is a separate post given the ‘Music’ category) It looks great on my desktop, but loses all formatting on a mobile browser. In fact, the separate posts just run together. I have screen shots here: (desktop) and here: (mobile), if you care to have a look (site is not public yet). I am really desperate for a solution to this issue. Is it the css? Is it the plug-in code? Here is the relevant HTML source code for the desktop and mobile page versions:

    The Desktop Version:

    >               <p></p>
    > <div id="post-xx" class="post-xx"><hr /><h3 class="entry-title"><br /><a rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to  Bill Bozly at the Chinook Steakhouse, Coeur d'Alene Casino Resort, Nov. 22 and 23, from 8 to 11 pm." href="http://www.southlakecda.com/wp_build/?p=20"> Bill Bozly at the Chinook Steakhouse, Coeur d'Alene Casino Resort, Nov. 22 and 23, from 8 to 11 pm.</a></h3><div class="entry-content"><p>Enjoy live music with <a href="http://youtu.be/oq2smmYARM8" target="_blank"><b><i>Bill Bozly</i></b></a> at the Chinook Steakhouse, Coeur d'Alene Casino Resort, Nov. 22 and 23, from 8 to 11 pm.</p></div></div><div id="post-xx" class="post-xx"><hr /><h3 class="entry-title"><br /><a rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to Echo Elysium will be at the Nighthawk Lounge, Nov. 22 and 23, starting at 9:30 pm." href="http://www.southlakecda.com/wp_build/?p=14">Echo Elysium will be at the Nighthawk Lounge, Nov. 22 and 23, starting at 9:30 pm.</a></h3><div class="entry-content"><p><a href="http://www.southlakecda.com/wp_build/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/echo-elysium1.jpg"><img class="size-full wp-image-15 alignleft" alt="echo-elysium[1]" src="http://www.southlakecda.com/wp_build/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/echo-elysium1.jpg" width="170" height="140" /></a><a href="http://youtu.be/424o1UE9xQw" target="_blank">Echo Elysium</a> will be at the Nighthawk Lounge, Nov. 22 and 23, starting at 9:30 pm.</p></div></div>                          </div><!-- .entry-content -->
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    The Mobile Version:

    <               <p>Bill Bozly at the Chinook Steakhouse, Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort, Nov. 22 and 23, from 8 to 11 pm.Enjoy live music with Bill Bozly at the Chinook Steakhouse, Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort, Nov. 22 and 23, from 8 to 11 pm. no comments Echo Elysium will be at the Nighthawk … <span class="continue-reading"><a href="http://www.southlakecda.com/wp_build/">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a></span></p>
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    I don’t mind the one image going away, but I sure would like each post’s title to display in a readable fashion.

    Note: the two sample posts have almost the same wording in the title as in the body, for no good reason really. Just testing things out.

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