• I have widget visibility from Jetpack and have set it to show on post pages. The widgets are still not showing, neither is my twitter feed which I added in a text box. As a matter of fact, the sidebar is not showing at all. I understand it will not show on pages, but is supposed to show on post. Can you help me?
    I’m using an english version. This is my page http://www.latinzonemagazine.com

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  • Theme Author Towfiq I.


    Thread Starter LatinZoneMagazine


    It was showing before. Now it’s not, but still, it was only showing one of my widgets. The rest, which have the same settings, where not showing at all.

    Thread Starter LatinZoneMagazine


    Done both fixes, still not working. And I’m getting a syntax error in my footer which was working fine before.

    Theme Author Towfiq I.


    maybe you made a mistake editing the files. whats your site address?

    Thread Starter LatinZoneMagazine


    http://www.latinzonemagazine .com and I just copied it and pasted it.

    Theme Author Towfiq I.


    are you sure the web address is correct. its not loading.

    Thread Starter LatinZoneMagazine


    I separated the .com part because I didn’t knew if it will post. its http://www.latinzonemagazine.com

    Theme Author Towfiq I.


    can you send me a exact page link where your mentioned widgets should show up. but isn’t?

    Thread Starter LatinZoneMagazine


    After the update, they fotter is working. Now I’m only missing the sidebars. Is there a possibility that the theme is not prepared for other social widgets? Or not compatible with Jetpack? Can you please verify that? The post pages are supposed to have the sidebar. Is many pages. an example of one is:

    Theme Author Towfiq I.


    did you modify the single.php? can you paste the code of your single.php file in a pastebin.com page and share the page link here?

    Thread Starter LatinZoneMagazine


    <?php global $asteria;?>
    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <div class="fixed_site">
    	<div class="fixed_wrap singlefx">
    		<div id="content">
    			<div class="center">
    				<div class="content_wrap">
                        <!--POST END-->
    					<div class="single_wrap<?php if ( !is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar' ) ) { ?> no_sidebar<?php } ?>">
    				<div class="single_post">
                       <?php if(have_posts()): ?><?php while(have_posts()): ?><?php the_post(); ?>
                        <div <?php post_class(); ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
                        <!--EDIT BUTTON START-->
    					<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() || is_admin() ) { ?>
                        <div class="edit_wrap"><a>">
                        <i title="<?php _e('Edit This','asteria'); ?>" class="fa-edit"></i></a>
                        <?php } ?>
        				<!--EDIT BUTTON END-->
                        <!--POST START-->
                        <div class="single_post_content">
                            <h1 class="postitle"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
                            <!--POST INFO START-->
                            <?php if (!empty ($asteria['post_info_id'])) { ?>
                            <div class="single_metainfo">
                                <i class="fa-calendar"></i><a><?php the_time( get_option('date_format') ); ?></a>
                                <i class="fa-user"></i><?php global $authordata; $post_author = "<a>ID, $authordata->user_nicename )."\">".get_the_author()."</a>\r\n"; echo $post_author; ?>
                                <i class="fa-comments"></i><?php if (!empty($post->post_password)) { ?>
                            <?php } else { ?><div class="meta_comm"><?php comments_popup_link( __('0 Comment', 'asteria'), __('1 Comment', 'asteria'), __('% Comments', 'asteria'), '', __('Off' , 'asteria')); ?></div><?php } ?>
                              <i class="fa-th-list"></i><div class="catag_list"><?php the_category(', '); ?></div>
                            <?php } ?>
                            <!--POST INFO START-->
                            <!--POST CONTENT START-->
                            <div class="thn_post_wrap"><?php the_content(); ?> </div>
                            <div style="clear:both"></div>
                            <div class="thn_post_wrap"><?php wp_link_pages('<p class="pages"><strong>'.__('Pages:').'</strong> ', '</p>', 'number'); ?>
                            <!--POST CONTENT END-->
                            <!--POST FOOTER START-->
                            <div class="post_foot">
                                <div class="post_meta">
             <?php if( has_tag() ) { ?><div class="post_tag"><div class="tag_list"><?php the_tags('<i class="fa-tag"></i>','  '); ?></div></div><?php } ?>
                           <!--POST FOOTER END-->
                        <!--POST END-->
                <?php endwhile ?> 
                <?php endif ?>
    <?php if (!empty ($asteria['social_single_id']) || !get_option( 'asteria' )) { ?>
    	<?php get_template_part('share_this');?>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php if (!empty ($asteria['post_nextprev_id']) || !get_option( 'asteria' )) { ?>
    <div id="ast_nextprev" class="navigation">
    	<?php $prevPost = get_previous_post(true); if($prevPost) {?>
            <div class="nav-box ast-prev">
            <?php $prevthumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail($prevPost->ID, array(100,100) );?>
            <?php previous_post_link('%link',"$prevthumbnail Previous Post<span>%title</span>", TRUE); ?>
            <a href="#"><i class="fa-angle-left"></i></a>
        <?php }?>
        <?php $nextPost = get_next_post(true); if($nextPost) { ?>
            <div class="nav-box ast-next">
            <?php $nextthumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail($nextPost->ID, array(100,100) ); ?>
            <?php next_post_link('%link',"$nextthumbnail Next Post<span>%title</span>", TRUE); ?>
            <a href="#"><i class="fa-angle-right"></i></a>
        <?php }?>
    <?php }?>
    <!--NEXT AND PREVIOUS POSTS END-->                
    <!--COMMENT START: Calling the Comment Section. If you want to hide comments from your posts, remove the line below-->
    <?php if (!empty ($asteria['post_comments_id']) || !get_option( 'asteria' )) { ?>
        <div class="comments_template">
        	<?php comments_template('',true); ?>
    <?php }?>
    <!--COMMENT END-->
    <!--SIDEBAR START-->
    <?php if ( is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar' ) ) { ?><?php get_sidebar();?><?php } ?>
    <!--SIDEBAR END--> 
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    The begigning and end [] I added so it will paste here.

    [ Moderator Note: Code block fixed. Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. ]

    Theme Author Towfiq I.


    Please go to pastebin.com and paste your code there. After submitting the code, they will give you a link. post the link here.

    Thread Starter LatinZoneMagazine


    Don’t know which you need so I’m pasting both embeed I found. I never used pastebin.com. Basically, it didn’t offer my a link. It only offered me to embeed.

    <script src=”http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=m07uKcMA”></script&gt;

    <iframe src=”http://pastebin.com/embed_iframe.php?i=m07uKcMA&#8221; style=”border:none;width:100%”></iframe>

    This is the address bar link though, just in case could help you.


    Theme Author Towfiq I.


    you created a private paste. Please post a public paste. I cannot see the code.

    and just paste the addressbar link.

    Thread Starter LatinZoneMagazine


    If I make it public, only you would see it? Can someone harm my blog by seeing that?
    I created it private but available to other pestebin.com users.

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