• Resolved aypeus


    <?php chgfontsize_display_options(); ?>

    That is the code I want to implant into my sidbar

    <?php global $freshy_options; ?>
    	<div id="sidebar">
    		<?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar')
            || !dynamic_sidebar() ) : ?>
    		<?php if(function_exists('yy_menu')) : ?>
    			<h2><?php _e('Navigation',TEMPLATE_DOMAIN); ?></h2>
    			<?php yy_menu('sort_column=menu_order&title_li=',
    								'hide_empty=0&sort_column=name&optioncount=1&title_li=&hierarchical=1&feed=RSS&feed_image='.get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory').'/images/icons/feed-icon-10x10.gif'); ?>
    		<?php elseif (function_exists('freshy_menu')) :
    		endif; ?>
    			<h2><?php _e('Search',TEMPLATE_DOMAIN); ?></h2>
    			<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/searchform.php'); ?>
    			<h2><?php _e('Links',TEMPLATE_DOMAIN); ?></h2>
    			 $ver = substr(get_bloginfo('version'), 0, 3);
    			 if ($ver == "2.1") {
    				$link_cats = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT cat_name, category_id FROM $wpdb->categories INNER JOIN $wpdb->link2cat ON $wpdb->categories.cat_id=$wpdb->link2cat.category_id");
    				foreach ($link_cats as $link_cat) {
    				<li id="linkcat-<?php echo $link_cat->cat_id; ?>"><?php echo $link_cat->cat_name; ?>
    				<?php wp_get_links('category='.$link_cat->category_id.'&before=<li>&after=</li>&show_description=0&limit=100'); ?></li>
    				<?php }
    			 //if ($ver>2) echo 'yes';
    			 else {
    			 $link_cats = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT cat_id, cat_name FROM $wpdb->linkcategories");
    			 foreach ($link_cats as $link_cat) {
    			  <li id="linkcat-<?php echo $link_cat->cat_id; ?>"><?php echo $link_cat->cat_name; ?>
    			    <?php wp_get_links($link_cat->cat_id); ?>
    			 <?php }
    			 } ?>
    		<?php endif; ?>

    Anyone knows how this can be done? I would be grateful.

    THX for your time and Cheers 🙂

    Regards, Aypeus

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