• Hallo!
    I would like to associate different Custom Post Types to a same Custom Taxonomy. And I’m looking for the best way to do it. I explain better.

    I’ve two Custom Post Types: Sculptures and Sketches.
    I’ve two Custom Taxonomy: Projects and Materials.

    Now, the Projects and Materials are associated with Sculptures, that’s the way I organize Sculptures in Projects and depending of the materials they’re done.

    The Sketches are related to Projects, the Sculptures are single object born inside a Project.

    No problem in creating the Custom Taxonomies and Custom Post Types. But, in the Dashboard I can display Projects and Materials only for Sculptures, or only for Sketches.

    Then I can display columns to better visualize Sculptures and Sketches, and I verified that Projects and Materials appear now for every Post Type, even the default. I guess I could do for Pages, too, I got it.

    Here the code I’m going to use to visualize those column only where necessary. Please, amend it if you deem it dangerous or not optimal. Thanks!

    // Registering the columns for Post Types
    add_filter( 'manage_posts_columns', 'custom_columns' );
    function custom_columns($defaults) {
    	if ( 'sculpture' == get_post_type() || 'sketch' == get_post_type() ) {
    		$defaults['project']	= __('Projects');
    	if ( 'sculpture' == get_post_type() ) {
    		$defaults['material']	= __('Materials');
    	// for all Post Types
    	$defaults['featured']	= __('Featured'); // this's shared among all Post Types
    	return $defaults;

    This way I display the Projects column only for Sculptures and Sketches; The Materials column only for Sculptures; and the Featured column for every types of Post.

    Then, the code to actually make the columns work.

    // Actually adds the columns where necessary
    add_action('manage_posts_custom_column', 'taxonomy_custom_columns', 10, 2);
    function taxonomy_custom_columns($column_name, $post_id) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	global $post;
    	if ( $column_name == 'project' ) { // name of the taxonomy
    		$tags = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'project');
    		if ( !empty( $tags ) ) {
    			$out = array();
    			foreach ( $tags as $c ) {
    				$out[] = "<a href='edit.php?post_type=".get_post_type()."&project=$c->slug'> " . esc_html(sanitize_term_field('name', $c->name, $c->term_id, 'project', 'display')) . "</a>";
    				echo join( ', ', $out );
    		} else {
    			_e('Not associated with any Projects'); // No Taxonomy term defined
    	} else if ( $column_name == 'material' ) {
    		$tags = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'material');
    		if ( !empty( $tags ) ) {
    			$out = array();
    			foreach ( $tags as $c ) {
    				$out[] = "<a href='edit.php?post_type=".get_post_type()."&".$column_name."=$c->slug'> " . esc_html(sanitize_term_field('name', $c->name, $c->term_id, $column_name, 'display')) . "</a>";
    				echo join( ', ', $out );
    		} else {
    			_e('No Related Materials');
    	} else if ( $column_name == 'featured' ) {
    		$featured_checkbox = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'featured_checkbox', true);
    		if ( !empty( $featured_checkbox ) ) {
    			$output = '<a href="http://localhost:8888/mariakosh/wp-admin/post.php?post='.$post->ID.'&action=edit">';
    			$output .= 'Featured';
    			$output .= '</a>';
    			print $output;
    		} else {
    	} else {
    		echo '<i>'.__('None').'</i>'; // Only 2 columns, blank now.

    And till here, everything seems to work just fine.

    Now, to have the Custom Taxonomy Project also for Sketches, I would encapsulate the relative code between something like

    if ( 'sketch' == get_post_type() ) {

    But my doubt is about this lines:

    	'project', // The name of the custom taxonomy
    	array( 'sculpture' )

    Can I modify it in…

    	'project', // The name of the custom taxonomy
    	array( 'sculpture', 'sketch' )

    …without messing everything up?

    Thanks for reading a so long text!!

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