• I have come here to shamelessly plug my blog over at:


    Incidentally, this blog has nothing to do with the people of Ancient Egypt, or their interest in all things triangular in nature. Long story short, the name is an insider joke between friends. Instead, you’ll find a music review series I attempt to do every Friday, as well as various other opinion pieces that end up showcasing what an opinionated jerk I can be. I invite everybody to check it out, and leave comments where applicable. It’s not my goal to anger the world with my opinions, my amateurish style, or the dozens upon dozens of spelling errors and/or words I might’ve ended up making up (example: ununique). Just throwing it out there.

    While I’m here, I might as well say that I was originally hoping to find an Ancient Egypt theme to complement the title. Heck, I would’ve even been content with a simple generic desert theme. Sadly, I couldn’t find an Ancient Egypt theme, and I honestly wasn’t very fond of how the one desert theme I found ended up looking. So I ended up going with something called “My Depressive” for the time being. It probably won’t light your eyes on fire with its visual awesomeness, but it gets the job done.

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  • White background for your text is the best way to go…
    I have to say red text on a dark background is a big no-no

    And I’ve noticed the RSS button… when I hovered, it disappeared… that’s because the hover image wasn’t pre-loaded… you can try using css sprites for that… it’s simple

    Sir Thomas,

    I’m sorry, but I clicked away from your site without even reading it.
    The black background was way too overpowering for the small white text.

    Black text on a white (or very pale light color) is best.

    Also, the red color you used for some of the text isn’t very welcoming. It makes me think “stop” — as in the stop signs one sees while driving.

    The RSS button didn’t disappear when I hovered over it, as it did for nowigen, but it was very difficult to find due, again, to the black background.

    Thread Starter mightysirthomas


    On one hand, that’s the first time anybody’s ever said white text on a black background is a problem. On the other hand, I’m technically still looking for a theme that works. Right now, I’m playing with something called “Layers”. There’s no annoying red stopsign text on this one, but every single line appears to doublespace by default. I might just hang on to this one until I find something better.

    Right now, I’m a little more focused on finding a way to block IPs because I’m sick of getting five spambot comments a day whoring off some dude’s academy in Russia.

    Sir Thomas,

    Are spam messages being posted on your blog?

    If they are, why don’t you use the Akismet plugin?

    Thread Starter mightysirthomas


    Interesting story: I am actually using akismet, but I think I’ve discovered the one spam message they don’t have in their database. Then after looking over the instructions on how the plugin works, it came to my attention I was supposed to mark it as spam instead of trash. Still, I probably wouldn’t have figured that out if you hadn’t recommended it, so thanks for the help.

    Good music reviews – I like.

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