• Edwin Ramirez


    Hello, I’m using your Interface Free theme for a site in spanish.
    After creating the corresponding translation I found that there was no way translating the text “Search” on the search button of the Header’s Searchform and the “Call us” and “Mail us” on their corresponding links on the Contact Info Bar.

    I found that in the file SITE\wp-content\themes\interface\inc\structure\searchform-extensions.php the submit input has the text hardcoded:

    <label class="assistive-text">
        <?php _e( 'Search', 'interface' ); ?>
      <input type="search" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Search', 'interface' ); ?>" class="s field" name="s">
      <input type="submit" value="Search" class="search-submit">

    Likewise in the file SITE\wp-content\themes\interface\inc\structure\header-extensions.php the text for the link’s titles are hardcoded:

    $interface_footer_infoblog .= '<li class=' .'"phone-number"'. '><a title='. '"Call us"'.' '. 'href=' .'"tel:' ;
    		$interface_footer_infoblog .=  preg_replace("/[^0-9+-]/", '', $options[ 'social_phone' ]) ; 
    		$interface_footer_infoblog .= '">';
    		$interface_footer_infoblog .=  preg_replace("/[^0-9+-]/", '', $options[ 'social_phone' ]) ;
    		$interface_footer_infoblog .= '</a></li>';
    				} if (!empty($options['social_email'] )){ 
    		$interface_footer_infoblog .='<li class=' .'"email"'. '><a title=' .'"Mail us"'. ' ' . 'href=' .'"mailto:';
    		$interface_footer_infoblog .=  is_email($options[ 'social_email'] );
    		$interface_footer_infoblog .='">';
    		$interface_footer_infoblog .=  is_email($options[ 'social_email'] );
    		$interface_footer_infoblog .='</a></li>';

    I tried creating a child theme to override these two php files but they weren’t loaded.

    Could this be fixed in an update,please?

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