• I’m having an issue with the wordpress widget for an rss feed in the sidebar where it is taking the Feed, and not placing a space between the title and author of the post. I believe it’s my XML rss feed, that I’m using from google reader. I have several blogs that I have in the same “tag/folder” in google, which I then share. The shared page has an RSS feed, which provides a list of all the rss feeds in order of post from that tag/folder.

    Here is a sample entry from that RSS feed:

    <entry gr:crawl-timestamp-msec="1222939333760"><id gr:original-id="http://www.pattersonimages.com/blog.html#unique-entry-id-20">
    tag:google.com,2005:reader/item/821ad067ab6f3633</id><category term="snow"/><title type="html">fresh off the cutting room floor....</title><published>2008-10-02T05:52:57Z</published><updated>2008-10-02T05:52:57Z</updated><link rel="alternate" href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/pattersonimages/~3/408974868/blog.html" type="text/html"/><content xml:base="http://www.pattersonimages.com/blog.html" type="html">Well, just had a large load of images cut from the files of my favorite shred rag, so thought I would share a couple of my fav’s.
    <img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/pattersonimages/~4/408974868" height="1" width="1"></content><author><name>jeff@pattersonimages.com</name></author><source gr:stream-id="feed/http://feeds.feedburner.com/pattersonimages"><id>tag:google.com,2005:reader/feed/http://feeds.feedburner.com/pattersonimages</id><title type="html">Jeff Pattersons Feed..</title><link rel="alternate" href="http://www.pattersonimages.com/blog.html" type="text/html"/></source></entry>

    the output is the following in the rss widget:
    “fresh off the cutting room floor….Jeff Pattersons Feed..”

    I believe that it’s taking the 2 <title type=”html”>tags for 1 entry and parsing them into 1 “title”

    If someone could point me in the right direction to the php code that I can modify, that would be great. I have a strong understanding and ability to program in PHP.


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