• This is the site: induecourse.ca

    We receive this message on the RSS feed alongside the left-hand side of the page:

    “”RSS Error: This XML document is invalid, likely due to invalid characters. XML error: Invalid document end at line 2, column 1”

    Some searches through the forum suggested that it may be a specific Facebook plugin, which we don’t use (although we do use “Facebook Auto Publish”.

    Any ideas what’s causing this and what I can do to resolve it?

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  • Its working now so maybe you fixed it.

    When I’ve seen this problem before, the invalid characters were things like the hyphen. The standard hyphen/minus, ascii code 45 is good, but the very slightly longer hyphen used by MS Word can cause a problem. Also inverted commas are OK, but smart inverted commas may not be. If you can identify the character from the position given in error message, edit the post to replace the offending character with a standard one.

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