• I work for a non profit who accepts donations through our website. Once a donation is made, donors are routed to a generic thank you page which explains that they will soon receive an email including their receipt. Except, many people still want to print this page for their records. And they freak out when they see a date at the top of the page from two years ado (as this is the date the page was published).

    This information is not on the actual page, only the “print” version. Is there any way to remove this from that page?

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  • What is it that keeps it from showing on the live site? is it css? if so, one thing to try would be to remove the code which calls the date from the page or post template.

    Thread Starter sargibbons


    I think that line of code needs to be removed to keep the date from showing on the site page—and it has been removed. But the print page seems to revert to show only some basic information, and the date (as well as author) shows up on that page.

    If the line of code had been removed from the php template, it wouldn’t display at all

    If it was being hidden in css, but a different print stylesheet was implemented, that may cause the date to show back up on print only

    Thread Starter sargibbons


    Problem is, I’m not sure where the “print stylesheet” is…

    I just started using Mozilla Firebug to find css, could you find it that way and cancel it?

    Problem is, I’m not sure where the “print stylesheet” is…

    Unfortunately, neither are we without a link to your site

    What you can do to look for it is look in header.php for a .css link with media=print

    It may also be enqueued from functions.php or something… to see if it is enqueuing at all you can view your site’s html output from within the browser – in IE you would just click view – source (other browsers have the feature, it’s just worded differently) then you can look for a link in your output to a .css sheet with media pront

    or in style.css you may have a built in print sheet in a section starting with

    @media print {

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