• Hello everybody,

    This is my first time here as a member, but i follow topics and solutions provided: useful!
    Hope you can help me as well with my trouble.

    Briefly: I have a blog (www.inchiostrovivo.it) and this works with WordPress (of course!) and uses Twentyeleven theme. Everything is updated. I did some personalization for the theme, but really few things.
    Some days ago I realized a .php file for related articles in my local site, and it works really fine. I created a <div> in which there is a 3-column-table: category-related posts, img with a link to fb sitepage and author-related posts. As I said, this file worked and works really fine in my localhost, so I uploaded via ftp the created file and the img in the same folder: wp-content/theme/twentyeleven.

    The problems are:
    1 – the author-related column is blank, while the first column is ok (category-related);
    2 – the img doesn’t show.

    What can be the problems that make me experience this troubles?
    Could it be a different author tag present in query.php file in my localhost and query.php file on server? Or something else?

    I wrote to my host provider, but they say that it is not their problem and they cannot solve it.

    Thank in advance you all, only for reading this my first post!


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