• I would like to rate books and movies that are shown on the sidebar as links,in wordpress 1.2 I could do that with the default theme,but since I upgraded I seemed to have lost the feature,I tried following some post but I can seemd to get how to do it,before the images for rating were stored in wp-images/links

    I went through links.php

    if (($row->link_image != null) && $show_images) {
    if (strstr($row->link_image, ‘http’))
    $output.= “<img src=’$row->link_image’ $alt $title />”;
    else // If it’s a relative path
    $output.= “<img src='” . get_settings(‘siteurl’) . “$row->link_image’ $alt $title />”;
    } else {
    $output.= $name;

    I thinks I have to modify

    <?php get_links_list(); ?>

    in the side bar

    I know that but how or where should I put my images …

    any help as to how I should pass the eleven parameters and
    where to put my images ???

    Thanks in advance

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