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  • Plugin Author NextScripts


    So how is the first tweet should look like?


    #CallOfDutyAdvancedWarfare → …

    That will bring a lot of questions like “Where is my title? Why plugin is changing my text??”

    Thread Starter fenomeno0chris


    No it should look like this:

    #CallofDutyAdvancedWarfare punktet mit krachendem …

    Obviously a little bit of the headline text would also be implemented in the tweet, because more characters can be used.

    So the plugin would not change the text at all. It would just implement long hashtags with more than one word.

    I think this example is better than the first one I’ve posted: (

    The tweet shows two times Far Cry 4. One time with Hashtag and one time without.
    In my view it would be perfectly like this:

    #FarCry4 – Ubisoft enthüllt die Ultimate Kyrat Edition → …←

    Thread Starter fenomeno0chris


    Will you add my suggestion in the next update?
    Im sure that not only I will benefit from it.

    Plugin Author NextScripts


    Sorry, but will will never alter any user content.

    Thread Starter fenomeno0chris


    sorry for annoying you again.
    But what I am asking for, is not to alter any user content at all!
    Actually your plugin already support the feature what I am requesting, but its only working, if you use a article Tag with one word.

    ———- Example 1 ———-
    Social Networks Auto Poster Options used for Twitter:
    %TITLE% %HTAGS% →%URL%←

    WordPress Headline: Destiny – new gameplay trailer arrived
    Wordpress Tag: Destiny

    This is what the tweet would look like, if I publish it with the options used above:
    #Destiny – new gameplay trailer arrived →…←

    As you can see the tweet looks amazing! The WordPress Tag (Destiny) will automatically be used as hashtag. The tweet is identically with the original WordPress Headline.

    ———- Example 2 ———-
    Social Networks Auto Poster Options used for Twitter:
    %TITLE% %HTAGS% →%URL%←

    WordPress Headline: Blacklight Retribution – new gameplay trailer arrived
    Wordpress Tag: Blacklight Retribution

    This is what the tweet would look like, if I publish it with the options used above:
    Blacklight Retribution – new gameplay #BlacklightRetribution →…←

    Its easy to see that this tweet looks ugly and not as good as the first example.

    ———- My Request ———-
    My request is actually just to improve the existing features of your plugin, by allowing to use WordPress Tags with more than one word.

    I think it would be much better if the tweet of Example 2 looks like this:
    #BlacklightRetribution – new gameplay trailer arrived →…←

    The content is not altered. Actually its more close to the original headline.
    So please think about it again. Im sure, that I am not the only one using more than one word as WordPress Tag.

    Plugin Author NextScripts


    Sorry, but there is no way to implement it so everybody will be happy.

    Somebody publishes the post with the title

    Blacklight Retribution – new gameplay trailer arrived

    Plugin posts it to Twitter as

    #BlacklightRetribution – new gameplay trailer arrived

    9 out of 10 people will complain and demand to stop doing that.

    Thread Starter fenomeno0chris


    Thank you for your fast answer!
    Maybe you could just add a new function, so the user can decide if long tags will overwrite the Twitter Headline or not.

    Now Im using this Social Networks Auto Poster Options for Twitter:
    %TITLE% %HTAGS% →%URL%←

    I think you could add a new feature like this:

    So everyone would be happy.

    This is rather easy to do, check in the file nxs_functions_adv.php and on line 68 you have the function:

    if (preg_match('/%HTAGS%/', $msg)) { $t = wp_get_object_terms($postID, 'product_tag'); if ( empty($t) || is_wp_error($pt) || !is_array($t) ) $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID);
        $tggs = array(); foreach ($t as $tagA){$tggs[] = "#".trim(str_replace(' ', $htS, preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\p{L}\p{N}\s]/u', '', trim(nxs_ucwords(str_ireplace('&','',str_ireplace('&','',$tagA->name)))))));}
        $tags = implode(', ',$tggs); $msg = str_ireplace("%HTAGS%", $tags, $msg);

    change to

    if (preg_match('/%HTAGS%/', $msg)) { $t = wp_get_object_terms($postID, 'product_tag'); if ( empty($t) || is_wp_error($pt) || !is_array($t) ) $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID);
        $tggs = array(); foreach ($t as $tagA){$tggs[] = "#".trim(str_replace(' ', $htS, preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\p{L}\p{N}\s]/u', '', trim(nxs_ucwords(str_ireplace('&','',str_ireplace('&','',$tagA->slug)))))));}
        $tags = implode(', ',$tggs); $msg = str_ireplace("%HTAGS%", $tags, $msg);

    This will make your tag called Blacklight Retribution become #BlacklightRetribution

    I only changed the tag from pulling name to slug, which removes spaces. Use at your own risk, i don’t know what complications this may have elsewhere in the script

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