• Hi,

    I made a post that contains multiple images. I wanted to separate some of the images with text. So I placed a gallery into the post, put some text on the next line and then placed another image. The problem that is happening is that the image gets placed in the gallery above as well as after the text.

    One fix I tried was to place each image individually. This didn’t work for me because the images would line up vertically. (The gallery lines up horizontally.)

    So what I finally ended up doing was to put all the images in at once within the gallery and then put the text into the captions, rather than separate them with text.

    This worked for me but now I need to add an image at the beginning of the post. Is there a way to add this image without it appearing within the gallery and where I want it in the post?

    Here is the post:

    Thanks for any help you can give me.

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