• Hi,
    I’m trying to move a blog to wordpress.
    The original blog is http://genitoritrinita.myblog.it.
    I have a backup of the contents, in the form of several html pages and their attachments or images. Each original post has its own html file.
    I can import the pages through your wonderful plugin, but I have two problems:
    1. the post date
    2. the comments

    As for the first, the date is set in the following tag:
    <h2 class="date"><span>15/07/2013</span></h2>
    I’ve added the h2 – class – date in the custum fields date area, but all posts are loaded with the same date in 1970….
    Alos, when I save the settings, the “date” field is reverted to it’s default “appuntamento”, which I don’t understand where it comes form. All other settings or custom tags are saved, it’s just that third field in the custom date…

    As for the second, the comments are given in this section of each html:

    <div class="commentlist">
    <a id="comments"></a>
    <a id="c5848539"></a>
    <p>Tanto per la cronaca oggi pomeriggio una pallonata ha rotto il vetro del civico 5...</p>
    <p class="posted">
    Scritto da: boboroll19@yahoo.it | 26/08/2013
    <a id="c5852809"></a>
    <p>e qualche giorno fa una bimba e' caduta dal muretto....<br />
    <br />
    a parte la discussione legittima e sacrosanta sull'opportunita' o meno di estendere la zona aperta per dare piu' agio al gioco, credo che tutti concorderete che almeno gli interventi di messa in sicurezza siano fondamentali. <br />
    questo era lo scopo principe della proposta, il resto e' accessorio, non lo dimentichiamo!<br />
    <br />
    <p class="posted">
    Scritto da: francesco | 13/09/2013
    <a id="postcomment"></a>

    How do I import the comments and attach them to the correct post in wordpress?

    Thanks for your help



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