• Hi,

    I’m having problems getting the Firewall 2 plugin to work successfully with the CodeGuard WP backup plugin (see here https://www.codeguard.com). I’m getting lots of warning emails through which look something like:

    WordPress Firewall has detected and blocked a potential attack!
    Web Page: http://www.mywebsite.com/wp-load.php?codeguard-action=1
    Warning: URL may contain dangerous content!
    Offending IP: [ Get IP location ]

    Offending Parameter: action = 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

    Sadly the whitelist this parameter link in the warning emails don’t work as they say I have insufficient permissions, but I have tried the work around described here to add the missing section to the request URL:

    When I do this, some info is added to the whitelisted pages section of the Firewall settings page in WP admin area, but only to the ‘Form Variable’ box with the ‘Page’ being left blank.

    Can you please provide an example of how the info in this whitelist pages section of the settings should be formatted based upon the above pasted warning email details?

    Also when I try to save any parameters I have manually entered I get ‘unserialised parameters’ errors as described in other threads of this support forum. However the settings do appear to get saved and if I leave the Firewall settings page then go back in, the new settings are shown with no errors.

    Thanks, James


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  • Hi James,

    Go to the below URL and take a look at the steps you need to follow to whitelist your pages.


    Thread Starter James


    Thanks Desirockstar,

    But the support thread at CodeGuard is actually based on the problems I was experiencing with the Firewall plugin and the back-and-forth trial and error testing I did with the support guys there.

    I was therefore hoping to get some word from the plugin writers as to whether this advice is correct, properly formatted, the best way to work around it, etc. Hopefully also an update to the plugin at some point to allow CodeGuard through as an option.

    For now, the FireWall plugin remains disabled as I could not get a reliable whitelisting of the relevant variables setup.

    Firewall support – are you there???

    Cheers, James

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