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  • hi stakabo, and thanks you for your nice plugins, i wonder nobody less a little note here.

    at first try it seem to work, congratulation!

    but i get a little non worry message:
    Warning: copy(/home/xxxxx/public_html/screenshot.png) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/xxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sfr-clone-site/_src/sfr_clone_site_options.php on line 145

    searching a file that normally is in /public_html/themes/..sometheme../screenshot.png

    please could you verify it?

    second question i ask if it may be interesting a similar clone but from one MulitisteONE/SiteA root to another MultisiteTWO/SiteB or from ONE standard wordpress site to another TWO wordpress site.

    this could be a good improvement to duplicate a site over another site without worry about plugins configurations!

    Plugin Author stakabo


    Hi pescadito01,

    The error you are getting most likely come from when the plugin copy the theme file.

    When the plugin as ran successfully, you will have 2 theme with the same name, but in different folder.

    To help identify the two themes, the plugin will make a copy of screenshot.png of site B to your /home/xxxxx/public_html/ before it remove all theme files of site B.
    After Site A files have been copied over to site B theme’s folder, it will replace screenshot.png back in site B theme folder.

    The plugin probably has no read/write permission on /home/xxxxx/public_html/.
    I will update the plugin to have it move screenshot.png to a better temp location.

    To answer question 2,
    My original idea was to clone site between WP install.
    But then i realized that mapping the users between two install of WP is quite complicated.

    I will try to include this feature in future release of the plugin.

    Happy Halloween !

    hi stakabo, now i confirm you: it’s a awesome 1 click clone blog plugin! impresive!

    so, in another try i get ‘Can’t use database : MySQL server has gone away’ message, but in the second try all was good.

    another two goods features (if possible) could be:

    – reset or clean database and files of one child site
    (today there no plugin to do that and could serve to clean existing uploaded files before to put the new cloned files in an existing child blog)

    – backup restore-database and files of one existing child site or standard site (as talked in previous post)

    but now it’s working perfect as is!!

    thank a lot,


    hi stakabo,

    now i get
    Catchable fatal error: Object of class __PHP_Incomplete_Class could not be converted to string in /home/wexpress/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sfr-clone-site/_src/sfr_clone_site_functions.php on line 351

    what php version is needed to this plugin’

    salut le mec,


    Plugin Author stakabo


    i tested the plugin on media temple’s GS service and Dreamhost PS.

    What size blog are you trying to clone ? how many post is there.
    I will add an option soon to make the clone in a couple page load.

    Right now, the plugin will do all of it’s job in a single page load. If the blog you are trying to move is too big, you might run into memory or timeout error.

    let me know and i’ll try to help out.

    hi stakabo, nice to see you

    it’s not a size problem, two points to say:

    1) the child blog i try to clone isn’t so big, but i have custom post types and somes plugins like adminimize, custom post type ui and text-replace betwen anothers

    to track the Catchable fatal error:…of line 351, i added two lines of code to your sfr_clone_site_functions.php:

    296: } else { // mymodif
    297: echo “field: $field |>
    298: if ($raw_data = $this->is_serial( $field )) {//mymodif
    299: echo “if-raw-dada |

    that just before break print me:

    field: a:7:{i:0;b:0;s:48:”multisite-user-management/ms-user-management.php”;s:14:”msum_uninstall”;s:25:”adminimize/adminimize.php”;s:24:”_mw_adminimize_deinstall”;s:35:”minimeta-widget/minimeta-widget.php”;s:18:”minimeta_uninstall”;s:29:”text-replace/text-replace.php”;a:2:{i:0;O:15:”c2c_TextReplace”:27:{s:18:”plugin_css_version”;s:3:”006″;s:7:”options”;a:0:{}s:12:”option_names”;a:0:{}s:15:”required_config”;a:2:{i:0;s:9:”menu_name”;i:1;s:4:”name”;}s:14:”saved_settings”;b:0;s:18:”saved_settings_msg”;s:0:””;s:18:”admin_options_name”;s:16:”c2c_text_replace”;s:6:”config”;a:0:{}s:23:”disable_contextual_help”;b:0;s:20:”disable_update_check”;b:0;s:11:”hook_prefix”;s:13:”text_replace_”;s:9:”form_name”;s:12:”text_replace”;s:9:”menu_name”;s:0:””;s:4:”name”;s:0:””;s:11:”nonce_field”;s:19:”update-text_replace”;s:13:”settings_page”;s:15:”options-general”;s:10:”show_admin”;b:1;s:10:”textdomain”;s:12:”text-replace”;s:17:”textdomain_subdir”;s:4:”lang”;s:13:”author_prefix”;s:4:”c2c_”;s:7:”id_base”;s:12:”text-replace”;s:12:”options_page”;s:0:””;s:15:”plugin_basename”;s:29:”text-replace/text-replace.php”;s:11:”plugin_file”;s:75:”/home/MYACCOUNT/public_html/wp-content/plugins/text-replace/text-replace.php”;s:11:”plugin_path”;s:68:””;s:9:”u_id_base”;s:12:”text_replace”;s:7:”version”;s:3:”3.0″;}i:1;s:9:”uninstall”;}s:31:”nkthemeswitch/nkthemeswitch.php”;s:23:”nkthemeswitch_uninstall”;s:55:”query-multiple-taxonomies/query-multiple-taxonomies.php”;s:14:”__return_false”;} |>
    if-raw-dada |>

    this seems to show a problem when parsing the data in line 300

    300: array_walk_recursive( $raw_data, array($this, ‘update_in_array’), array(‘old’ => $string, ‘new’ => $ns_url) );

    also line 350 have a suspected & just in front of item: “update_in_array(&$item” that i delete.

    that is,

    2) it also do some garbage (i don’t understand very well what) with some files (duplicate?) of the current theme of blog A.
    only to note is my theme is placed subfolder in /themes/_group1/_theme03

    hopping you find the problems, best regards,


    Plugin Author stakabo


    hey there,

    I never tested it clone child theme. i would have to take a closer look at how the DB is setup when it’s a child theme.

    I will setup a couple of child theme and see how the plugin behave.

    you are getting the error at the point where the plugin update the newly duplicated tables. at line 298, it check if the value is in a serialized array. if so, it will unserialize the array, update the value, then serialize it back before updating it in the db.

    The plugin does not find and replace blindly. if it did, it would break some serialized array in the process.

    I’ll get back with some info about child theme soon.
    (i’m in a rush to deliver a couple of project on time right now)

    Have a good evening !

    just to note that is not really a child theme.
    it’s only normal theme but inside a subfolder like:

    .. etc

    related to serialized array, what php version is needed to support it? my siteA blog seem to be good, or how to resolve it?

    Plugin Author stakabo


    hey there

    serialize is a php 4/5 function.

    my theme usaly contain a lot of subfolder and they copy just fine.
    While testing, i notice that if you try to clone the same site over and over again and that one of them is broken or corupt because the plugin faild or or any other reason, the result would be not so great. are testing the plugin with the same site all the time ?

    Hey there,
    I’m trying to use the SFR Clone Site plugin but I get these error messages :

    Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: No such file or directory in /homez.99/****/www/wp-content/plugins/sfr-clone-site/_src/sfr_clone_site_functions.php on line 394

    Warning: dir(/wp-content/themes/themevendeuses) [function.dir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /homez.99/****/www/wp-content/plugins/sfr-clone-site/_src/sfr_clone_site_functions.php on line 398

    Fatal error: Call to a member function read() on a non-object in /homez.99/****/www/wp-content/plugins/sfr-clone-site/_src/sfr_clone_site_functions.php on line 399

    Can anyone help?
    Thank you!

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